Messages from Heaven Susan Lawson Sunday, November 24, 2013 Sometimes I am simply overwhelmed at how God works in my life. If I tried to write down all the ways I see Him at work you might giggle a bit at what…
Distracted and Discombobulated Susan Lawson Sunday, November 24, 2013 One thing about attending Allume - the goodie bags are filled with books, books, books! Love those books! The last stack of books waiting to be read…
Not "Just a Mom"... Susan Lawson Thursday, November 07, 2013 ... and so much more. Two weeks ago today I joined the women at Allume for what would be a life-changing experience for so many of us. There is much…
Our Bakery and Micro Market; the adventure begins! Oh, there is so much happening in our home these days! My personal blog remains my best chance to journal these happeni… Keep reading
New adventures Today I signed up for a five day crash course in homesteading. Don't laugh, she said it doesn't matter where yo… Keep reading
Daybook Giving thanks - for God’s faithfulness and care for us. For a warm house and the family that shares it. That spring wil… Keep reading
Stay with me, please We’re going to ‘winter’ together, my Rosemary and me.The first year I ever planted rosemary, it grew into a bush, liter… Keep reading