Hello! Today is:


That was no fun fishing trip!

Oh boy, among the things that haven’t been the same for this year we can now add the fishing trip. My poor husband (and in this case my daughter too!…

Situation Update

July 24, 2018 (*note: the publishing date is out of order because blogger will not complete the scheduling process. This post was originally posted i…


So, our vacation has not turned out the way we anticipated or hoped. It’s still wonderful in its own way. I am so grateful that my faith has grown ov…

Gone fishing

It’s fishing day for some of our vacation crew. That means they were up and out the door quite earlier than they usually are. :-) This has become one…

The view is a bit different...

But the spot is still as sweet - that is after you look and walk past the monstrosity that has take up residence on our beach. Boy, that first day I…

... after the sermon

I just have to say, I really love our church home. It's not a rare occasion that a sermon or series hits so close to home for me (and our family…

Before the sermon...

It's a good day when I wake up with a crusty layer of mental yuck sending confusion and disorientation my way; then I take a shower, get dressed,…

Hurricane Season

​ ​ ​ S M XL L ​ I was chatting (for a very long time) with my friend yesterday. We can talk and talk and talk and still have things to share when we part …

OSD - Other Side of the Decision?

Other Side of the Decision Regret, no one really wants to carry the weight of regret, am I right? I know I don’t, and I have carried a not insignific…

Paper plates and folding chairs...

Most often, the very best hospitality results when we are spontaneous and simply invite someone into our less-than-picture-perfect space and time. I …
