Hello! Today is:


What a glorious day!

Oh, how good and refreshing it is to see the sunshine again :-) Getting ready to go for a walk. We’re trying some new habits to see how we can work a…


The phrase I’ve coined to describe what condition my house is in after I’ve enjoyed a visit from my kids and grandkids. :-) Love it! It’s cold again …

3 Week Wake-up

Sawyer “woke up” today!!! (Adjust post date to Thursday February 15) I remember when I sensed a “wake-up” in my own kiddos.  It seems it was around t…

It’s a Love Story

I woke up yesterday morning to a notification that our oldest daughter, who lives just a mere 20 minutes away! :-) - had “arrived at home” in the mid…

Menu Week of 2-11-18

Sunday: F4Y (fend-for-yourself - because... there’s a new baby and new mom who needs help, and I stayed in my pajamas the entire day and night. We bi…

12 second thought

Let it begin today... I plan to start sharing here how my journey for my weight loss and improved strength and flexibility moves forward (or backward…

Start of a Day Book

It’s not really a Day Book post at all, but it will serve as a reminder to me to get it started :-0 To be fit and healthy : Because I refuse to give up... …

To be_____, or not to be ___________

That is the question.  Yes, that is the question.  I’m pretty sure that’s a Shakespearean quote, although I can’t say that for sure (unless I Google …

WAH Thoughts, Ideas and Resources...

https://thenerdyfarmwife.com/natural-bath-bombs/ The girls and I are on a roll!  We’re finally starting to brainstorm great ideas for working at home…

An exercise in futility

This is what I fear.  Wasting my precious time and energy on things that may or may not be futile. :-( So, we have all the moving around done.  One d…

Thursday already?

Some days bring the most unexpected and wonderful gifts.  Yesterday began early, after my normal morning in routine and walk in the park, I met with …
