An ordinary life Ordinary Cool mornings on the deck Susan Lawson Wednesday, May 29, 2024 It’ s Wednesday. Just Wednesday. Hump day is a good description for a Wednesday because you’re not really sure if you can’t believe it’s already Wedn…
An ordinary life Day Trips Daybook Ordinary Daybook and Aurora Borealis Susan Lawson Wednesday, May 15, 2024 Above - Rachel's actual photos A collage that looks more like what we saw without the camera. I used photos from Canva to try to show a more reali…
Our Bakery and Micro Market; the adventure begins! Oh, there is so much happening in our home these days! My personal blog remains my best chance to journal these happeni… Keep reading
New adventures Today I signed up for a five day crash course in homesteading. Don't laugh, she said it doesn't matter where yo… Keep reading
Daybook Giving thanks - for God’s faithfulness and care for us. For a warm house and the family that shares it. That spring wil… Keep reading
Stay with me, please We’re going to ‘winter’ together, my Rosemary and me.The first year I ever planted rosemary, it grew into a bush, liter… Keep reading