Hello! Today is:


iTunes for Dummies - so sad

Turns out I'm the dummie :-) With the reality of our household setting in it became clear that I will have to learn the iTunes language, fluently.…

Fried Zucchini

2 medium size zucchini 1/2 cup flour 1-2 eggs, beaten panko bread crumbs oil for frying Wash and cut zucchini into eighths. This means not slices :…

Seeking the blessings

Life.  It doesn't stop because Christmas is upon us.  It doesn't slow down because we need to catch our breath.  Sometimes it is great, somet…

People before things

A valuable lesson I learned as a La Leche League Leader.  A lesson I continue to practice on a daily basis.  I say practice because that is what it r…

A new home for us

A church home that is.  We have spent time waiting for God to lead us.  And lead us He did.  It seems as though we have found what we were looking fo…

31 & 4

That's the number of 'falling stars' Rachel and I saw this evening, respectively, within just minutes of taking our spot on the deck.  Me…


Ever since I discovered Elizabeth's wonderful Advent Plan, I have tried in some way to observe and celebrate Advent using her plans.  I have neve…

Keeping My Life

Instead of blogging these days - I am "keeping my life".  This was the topic of a talk that Sarah Mae gave at the Allume Conference.  It wa…
