Hello! Today is:


Thoughts about reconnecting with the Holy Spirit

A while back our church did a series called Reconnect.  I really enjoyed the series and I wrote down some thoughts in my Morning Pages.  I came acro…

On the banks of River Lawson

We'll be listing our house on Realtor.com in a day or so.  We'll be asking a lot more for it now since we can say we have "water front&…

Forecast - chances of rain never ending...

My poor basil is dying.  I am sad.  Must have more basil.  My rosemary is even dying.  I don't remember this amount of rain - ever. I took a stro…

If the shoe fits...

Have you ever heard that girlfriends are like shoes?  You know, different shoes for different occasions, different seasons?  If that's true, a b…

Not everyone blogs...

And I used to believe they did.  When my mind would continually return to things I'd like to write here and share I always hushed the voice and s…

It's never gonna be better than this (probably)

I look at my blog as it sits lonely and unchanged wondering if I'll ever really make time to come and post regularly.  In my mind, I compare it t…


Somewhat different from what most of us have thought of when we see those four letters - A, S, A, P.  You know, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  Hurry, hurry, …

Morning Musings

My favorite place for morning coffee, prayer and meditation.
