Do you remember when... Susan Lawson Tuesday, May 26, 2009 We used to play in the rain?! When I was Rachel's age I couldn't wait for a good hard Spring rain without lightning because it meant I was f…
I've added some titles to my favorite garden books Susan Lawson Tuesday, May 26, 2009 And as you might guess, they are books about growing and enjoying herbs!!
Josh, I have something to tell you Susan Lawson Tuesday, May 26, 2009 I'm overriding your decision not to use chemicals while at the farm. You will use a helmet while on wheels of any sort and you will spray with O…
Speaking of Pampered Chef(s) Susan Lawson Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Deb, thanks for coming out of your comfort zone and doing my first party in years!! I had a great time, the food was really good - I have made the p…
Happy Birthday, Christina! Susan Lawson Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Yes, it is a belated post but the family celebration was right on time. Never mind the fact that I totally blew it on the cake. What can I say? I …
What it's all about Susan Lawson Tuesday, May 26, 2009 While attempting to declutter and create what I have been referring to as 'company ready, family cozy', I have to remind myself that this is …
The bride and her maid (of honor) Susan Lawson Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Sarah would like to think that Mandie will serve as her maid but somehow I just don't see that happening :-) Oh, maid-of-honor... okay, I think …
T-3 done for now... Susan Lawson Wednesday, May 20, 2009 Tonight was the last night for the small group doing T3. I enjoyed doing it and I think I will want to do it again in the Fall. The 'school' …
Pampered Chef for Sarah Susan Lawson Wednesday, May 20, 2009 I have had a few of you ask if Sarah would like items from Pampered Chef for shower/wedding gift and the answer is a resounding,YES! Below is the li…
A flower - for me? Susan Lawson Tuesday, May 19, 2009 It's been a while but I took photos and kept it as long as I could. Josh picked it at the farm and gave it to me. He knew the name and told me a…
Work in progress! Susan Lawson Friday, May 15, 2009 Today has been a good day! I have accomplished much and still have time and energy to do more. I had 2 yards each of mulch and soil delivered today…
They say that keeping up is hard to do... Susan Lawson Thursday, May 14, 2009 (to the beat of 'breakin' up is hard to do') get it? Yeah, I'm dating myself, I know. But my title is just as true. Can't keep…
What did you say?? Susan Lawson Wednesday, May 13, 2009 Love this sign - it says what most people say when they hear where I'm from.
Love Affair Susan Lawson Thursday, May 07, 2009 Have I ever told you about my love affair - with herbs?? I love my garden, my fruit trees and my berries and I'm even beginning to warm up to fl…
Making believe Susan Lawson Monday, May 04, 2009 She hasn't lost her sense of imagination - thank goodness!
Okay, Pascual's Kitchen is open again Susan Lawson Monday, May 04, 2009 I posted the recipes for buttermilk pancakes and the quiches I made for our most recent meeting.
Buttermilk... it's for breakfast Susan Lawson Monday, May 04, 2009 I don't know how many people keep buttermilk on hand most of the time but I have found that these days I generally do keep a half-gallon on hand.…
Move over Topsy-Turvy!! Susan Lawson Sunday, May 03, 2009 Perhaps you have seen the advertisements for this neat little contraption - it's a bag for growing tomatoes upside-down in a bag. The idea is to…
The secret to keeping a hungry teen-age boy content Susan Lawson Sunday, May 03, 2009 Yeah, I know it's basically junk food and has no redeeming qualities accept they taste really good. If you don't have teen-age boys yet you …
And so it begins... Susan Lawson Friday, May 01, 2009 the weeding! The seedlings are already popping up through the soil. Planting was complete (amost) last Saturday and the week of sunshine and rain h…
Carrot Club!! Susan Lawson Friday, May 01, 2009 If only their mother shared their passion equally... What a blessing Roam-on-the-Range has been and continues to be to our family.
Rachel's First Holy Communion Susan Lawson Friday, May 01, 2009 A new season of life is certainly upon us. We are actively planning our oldest daughter's wedding, preparing for our second youngest's confi…
Music that touches the heart and stirs the soul As I continue to learn how to use this blogging tool I realize how much I love music. I have spent much time trying to … Keep reading
Planting Day 2007 (old blog) John finally has one Saturday at home between his many TDY trips and we're planting our garden - yahoo! We really w… Keep reading
For Those Who Love 4Real Learning as Much as I Do! I had a chance to read Elizabeth's posts for the past couple days and she had a lovely post about how to have the p… Keep reading