An ordinary life Declaring War on Clutter Construction nearing completion... Susan Lawson Saturday, September 22, 2018 I think I might have figured something out. It’s important, at least to me :-) I have been obsessing over getting some things done in and around our …
Wake up, what were you thinking? Susan Lawson Friday, September 14, 2018 Who were you, and where did you go? There was an article I shared on Facebook a few weeks ago entitled, "To the Woman Who Hasn't Been Hersel…
So many things to choose from Susan Lawson Tuesday, September 11, 2018 I need a brainstorming session, or a flow chart. My mind is swimming in things I want to do in the next few months, and I’m having a hard time filing…
Garden Gardening Herbs Herbs, in Winter? Susan Lawson Monday, September 10, 2018 Yes, you can grow herbs through the winter! If you have a window sill in your kitchen or some space near a southern facing window or sliding glass d…
Anchor Day Susan Lawson Thursday, September 06, 2018 When I began my attempts to gather my daughters together, it was my way of encouraging them to begin leaning on one another, supporting one another. …
Resources Resources Susan Lawson Sunday, September 02, 2018 A list of my favorite books and resources. This is a work-in-progress since there will always be great things to add! Recovery Paths to Recovery Hope fo…
Music that touches the heart and stirs the soul As I continue to learn how to use this blogging tool I realize how much I love music. I have spent much time trying to … Keep reading
Planting Day 2007 (old blog) John finally has one Saturday at home between his many TDY trips and we're planting our garden - yahoo! We really w… Keep reading
For Those Who Love 4Real Learning as Much as I Do! I had a chance to read Elizabeth's posts for the past couple days and she had a lovely post about how to have the p… Keep reading