Hello! Today is:



Outside my window - It is officially winter. And I don’t like it, not one little bit. It’s cold and gray and dreary. I announced earlier in the month…


Outside my window - Well, it’s Monday and the sun is shining after a few days of rather dreary weather. Halloween was cold and wet! There was a solid…

Hospitality or House-pitality?

I’m continuing to work on a “List of Things I No Longer Want to Do”. I messaged my kindred spirit a few days ago and told her I was going to start th…


Outside my window - It’s still dark because today is the second day that I managed to resume my 4:30 am wake up time so that I have a little more tim…


Outside my window - The sun is shining - the forecast says 90s again. There are the beginnings of a deck rail!!! Repairing the deck has been a nightm…

Start here...

I see this "start here" element on a lot of blogs these days when the blogger wants the reader to understand something about the purpose or…


Outside my window - it’s still dark. I managed to get up at my preferred time of 4:30 AM. I know that sounds insane to some people, but it’s the best…


Outside my window - it’s hard to see outside the window where I sit - the condensation creates a film that lingers into the morning. But I did step o…

Daybook - from Hawaii!

Outside my window - High rise hotels, sunshine, blue sky, and the Pacific Ocean. Two turquoise chairs and a table beckon me to sit out on the balcony…


Outside my window ~ it’s a bit overcast. There is still some condensation from the night on the windows. I can see the fingerprints left behind. :-)

Another sweet homecoming

We spent today loading the moving truck and bringing our girl and her family back to our area! Grateful - just call me grateful 🤗

Herb Fever

It’s not a disease. Herb Fever is what I have affectionately started calling the driving urge to grow new and increasingly more herbs each year. Ther…

No Addiction Required

I didn’t really know what it was called at the time, I just knew I was miserable and I had arrived at a place where something had to give. I knew my …

A House is Just a House...

Love makes it a home. Each day this week the temperature is forecast to swing back and forth in the 40s and 60s! I think, I hope, I pray, we have turn…


Outside my window … there is still snow, but the sun is finally shining. Our deck is still a wreck LOL but there is hope that it will soon be cleaned …

Menu February 20-27

Wednesday - BBQ country style ribs, pasta in mushroom sauce, French style green beans Thursday - Bible study - this mama isn't cooking tonight! Fri…

Just a Thursday Afternoon

I had just a smallish epiphany about an hour ago. Wanna hear it? LOL I continue to go round and round about writing, blogging, etc... and beating myse…

What it looks like...

... to live well and love well. My sweet husband was out of town for Valentine's Day. I had been promising some of my kids that I would prepare an…
