Hello! Today is:


Best Salsa Ever- Chevy's Copycat

There's only one salsa I'll go to the trouble and expense to get from a restaurant to take home and enjoy and that's the one from Chevy&…

Fruit Salsa

2 Granny Smith Apples 1 kiwi 1 cup strawberries 2 TBS apple jelly 2 TBS brown sugar 1 orange Chop all the fruit; heat jelly in microwave for 30 seco…

Sometimes there is a moment...

when you can literally "feel" Gods grace raining down on you.  I had some of those moments today.  And it's strange because it's on…

This is what He requires of us...

... to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God.  Micah 6:8 I'm beginning to feel very comfortable in our new church home.…

We really should thank them

Those winds of change - well, they weren't blowin' where I thought they were goin' LOL And that is okay - really, really, really okay.  It…
