And so it begins Susan Lawson Monday, January 28, 2008 We have been trying to address each child more individually where their extra-curricular activities are concerned and during our discussions it was d…
It will get worse before it gets better... Susan Lawson Sunday, January 27, 2008 but it will get better! We have signed the contract to have our basement done - by someone else!!! It didn't take any convincing on my part at …
Just an Ordinary Day Susan Lawson Saturday, January 19, 2008 Today I spent hours gathering paperwork and information to sit down with my dear hubby who has finally, thankfully, decided to become fully involved …
Me thinks I've messed it up... Susan Lawson Tuesday, January 15, 2008 Well, after hours of tryin to fix it I have figured out what I will have to do to restore my blog format :-( It will take some time but at least I k…
God's mysterious ways Susan Lawson Tuesday, January 15, 2008 I mentioned in my last post how much I enjoyed the Matthew Kelly talk on CD. It led me to look at more of the Lighthouse media CDs and consider join…
To the bookstore I went... Susan Lawson Monday, January 07, 2008 I received gift cards to Barnes and Noble for my birthday and for Christmas. I ran away yesterday to use them. I picked up The Rhythm of Life and w…
Politics for Dummies? Susan Lawson Saturday, January 05, 2008 I was just preparing to complain about my personal ignorance (at the age of 43!) of our political system. I understand the basics but feel completel…
One Moment Please Susan Lawson Saturday, January 05, 2008 I have often wished that I could share the experience of living on a military base with folks I know will never see or know what it is like to be out…
A Book to Share Susan Lawson Saturday, January 05, 2008 Tonight I pulled one of my favorite books off the shelf to read to Rachel. It's been one of my very favorites since my oldest was very young. A…
Keep it Simple Life in Progress Military Life One Moment Please Susan Lawson Saturday, January 05, 2008 I have often wished that I could share the experience of living on a military base with folks I know will never see or know what it is like to be out…
To Indiana to collect my son Susan Lawson Wednesday, January 02, 2008 When John's sister departed for home after our wonderful family Christmas she invited Joshua to go with them with the understanding that I would …
Our Bakery and Micro Market; the adventure begins! Oh, there is so much happening in our home these days! My personal blog remains my best chance to journal these happeni… Keep reading
New adventures Today I signed up for a five day crash course in homesteading. Don't laugh, she said it doesn't matter where yo… Keep reading
Daybook Giving thanks - for God’s faithfulness and care for us. For a warm house and the family that shares it. That spring wil… Keep reading
Stay with me, please We’re going to ‘winter’ together, my Rosemary and me.The first year I ever planted rosemary, it grew into a bush, liter… Keep reading