Hello! Today is:


New adventures

Today I signed up for a five day crash course in homesteading. Don't laugh, she said it doesn't matter where you live, homesteading is a fram…

Some of our favorite things

aren't really things at all. Our favorite things are people. Knowing that makes it easier to understand why this new development isn't really…

Stay with me, please

We’re going to ‘winter’ together, my Rosemary and me. The first year I ever planted rosemary, it grew into a bush, literally. It was the most gorgeous…

Just this year

It’s the week before Thanksgiving, and we put up some Christmas decorations yesterday. This is not normal for me. It’s not actually very comfortable …

You can do it all

My most recent adventure - repurposing old cabinets. We brought them up from the basement and Rachel painted them this gorgeous green. Topped it with…

November Saturdays

Homemaker Placemaker It’s all about works of the heart. We are never too old, or too young, to learn new ways to make a home or make a place. And don’t…

Daybook - A Wedding Edition (part 1)

Photo credit JLScott Photography Giving thanks - for cool Autumn weather, nature’s dazzling color display , farmers harvesting their crops and prepari…


I’m so glad I am learning to listen to the small still voice that sometimes suggests the other direction.  On our way back from a shopping trip yeste…

Wedding week continues

Just a quick update! It’s Thursday - and that means chopping day - aka - the day that all the fruits and vegetables get cleaned and prepared. There ar…

It’s wedding week, ya’ll!!!

It’s true that I have been absent from this blog for the most part in the past year. There are many reasons excuses  for that, not the least of which …

Powerlessness that Empowers

Originally published on March 28, 2013 Most days, on the best days, I offer a prayer of surrender before my feet ever hit the floor. If I forget and f…

Ordinary Life filled with Extraordinary Love; you find it when you look for it.

Blogging. Why? What compels me to write our stories here?  I've asked that question of myself so many times. Honestly, I know the answer, but when…

Dipping Oil

Originally published in August 2023 My husband and I enjoyed a rare date at the Bonefish Grill last month. We'd forgotten the wonderful bread and …

It Won't Always Be This Way

I think this might be one of the least appreciated—if not the most annoying—phrases my children have heard me repeat. But isn’t it true? Whatever it …

Small Circle People

We are a big family by today's standards, yet we are  small circle people . We often wonder if there's something wrong with us, but when we pee…

Practice makes perfect

Yesterday was Friday; it was a Friday that John was off work and we did a rare thing. We spent the day together just the two of us. It started out wi…


Giving thanks - for good habits John and I have created over the past year. Small things done consistently, over time, build these good habits. I am …


Giving thanks - Breathing room. Beauty from ashes. Spring in full swing. I am infatuated with the pomegranate margarita from our new favorite Mexican r…
