We’re going to ‘winter’ together, my Rosemary and me. The first year I ever planted rosemary, it grew into a bush, literally. It was the most gorgeous…
Homemaker Placemaker It’s all about works of the heart. We are never too old, or too young, to learn new ways to make a home or make a place. And don’t…
Just a quick update! It’s Thursday - and that means chopping day - aka - the day that all the fruits and vegetables get cleaned and prepared. There ar…
Originally published on March 28, 2013 Most days, on the best days, I offer a prayer of surrender before my feet ever hit the floor. If I forget and f…
Giving thanks - Breathing room. Beauty from ashes. Spring in full swing. I am infatuated with the pomegranate margarita from our new favorite Mexican r…