Hello! Today is:


“Are you sure they will be okay? Emily asked God as she looked up into His gentle face. God squeezed Emily’s hand and assured her that her family on earth would be okay.

“It hurts to see mommy cry so much and I can see the sorrow in my daddy’s heart too, even though he won’t let her see him cry. I know how much you love them, God, but will they ever know?” A tear ran down Emily’s cheek as she softly asked her questions.

God gently lifted her into His arms and held her close. “Emily, I have a very special plan for your Daddy and Mommy and your sisters and brother. You are very much a part of that plan. You see, I want to give them a gift, but they aren’t ready to receive it. I sent you to help prepare them for my gift. Do you understand?”

“No, but I want to understand. Will you tell me more?”

“I know every soul before it is born. I created each and every person who ever has been or ever will be. I named them all. I love each and every one of my children and I want them to be happy. I want to bring them home with me when it is time. Most souls have work to do on earth before they are ready to come home. Some very special souls do their work quickly and come home to my arms soon. Sometimes very soon, like you Emily, before your earthly parents get to meet you face to face. Your work was done before it was time for you to be born in the way other souls are usually born. But, you did your work, just as I planned and wanted you to do.”

“Are they ready for your gift now, Father?”

“Not quite, but almost. You have another sister that you have not yet met. You have visited with Jesse, your sister who came home before you. But you will soon meet another special sister who will be coming home too.”

“You mean they must have another baby come to heaven before they get to meet her? But that is just too hard. My mommy and Daddy’s hearts will break and they will never know how much you love them. Must it be this way?”

“Let me show you, Emily, that it will not break their hearts. I will hurt, for a while, but it will also make them stronger because they will turn to me and seek my help and then they will be ready for my gift to them.”

God turned and swept his hand over Emily’s eyes and suddenly she could see something wonderful. Her family on earth was altogether and her mommy was not crying anymore. They were all happy and their pain was no longer there. In their hearts was a special place that they had saved just for her and Jesse and Alexandra, her sister whom she had not yet met. But there was something else; there was a baby, tiny and delicate. Their pain had been replaced with love. Baby Rachel was the gift that God wanted so much to give them. And Rachel was a gift to Emily also. She knew that God’s plan was perfect and that one day she would be with her family, here, in God’s home.

“Thank you, God, for showing me their future. I know they will be okay. When do I get to meet my other new sister? The one you said would arrive soon?”

“Be patient, my child, all things happen according to my plan. Do you trust me, Emily?”

“Yes, Father, I trust you and I love you.”


  1. Susan, I just came across your blog on the Scott homeschoolers site and read this post... I am sitting here with tears in my eyes. It was really special to read that. I am sorry for the loss of your children. I lost my son 2 years ago full term 3 days before birth... although the pain is not as raw it is something that is always there. I am sure you know what I mean. I do thank God for his grace that he has given me hope for the future. Thanks for posting, usually I post like this in hope of helping someone else, it is rare I find someone else post about that. I have a 7 year old bio daughter who experienced everything with me, my husband was in Iraq at the time. Thank God he was able to come home but it is amazing how she still remembers her brother Chase. She tells me that God opened up the clouds and angels came down and took him through the hole in the sky... she said this about 2 weeks after he died so she was about 5, it was just so sweet to hear.

    Anyways, sorry to bother you I just wanted to say thanks for posting, Heidi

    Take care,


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