Hello! Today is:


Leave me alone, I just want to blog

No wait, that's not what I meant to say.  Well, okay, really it might be but just for this little bit of time!!  Really!  I never get to play and this is my play time.  Every day is full of responsibility and often some very serious stuff.  I just want a small window of time to be creative in my own kooky way and my way today is writing here.

Sometime I just don't get started on a project because deep down I know it won't be perfect and it probably won't ever be "done".  In the case of my blog, I absolutely know it will be neither.  Perfection isn't all it's cracked up to be and I wouldn't want it to be "done" because that would mean my adventure had either ceased or I have nothing more to say - ever.  Granted, I have learned to listen more and talk less.  If I'm talking, I'm not listening.  God gave me two ears and one mouth - hmmmm, there's a point I was going to make.  Oh yes, that probably means He meant for me to listen at least twice as much as talking.

The purpose of my blog isn't to make money (although that would be nice) and it's not for any political statements or anything so loftly.  I want it to be a place where anyone who happens upon it will be touched in small or big ways.  I want to be a good and faithful servant whom God uses to reach out to people (women in particular) who need to hear a friendly voice reminding them that they are not alone.  Life is good and it is beautiful.  But, it is a journey that often takes us through valleys of darkness and despair, loneliness and hopelessness.  We have to seek the mountain tops of our journey to strengthen us for those valleys.  Even more, we have to recognize the mountain tops and feel gratitude for them, not taking them for granted.  It's kind of like banking calories if you've ever been on a diet.  You know you're going to need them at some point in the future and right now things are good; you're strong and gathering in the happier moments.  We need to savor those moments knowing that tough times are ahead.  When we learn that it's truly the struggles we encounter that are growing us up in the Lord, we will be able to endure them and perhaps even embrace them.  That sounds crazy to most but those who understand, well, they understand.

