That just happened!
Today was good. I started out by reading Elizabeth's post (yesterday actually) and it set me feet firmly on a path of goodness. There have been some things missing in my daily walk lately and I knew it. I just kept putting one foot in front of the other and not even trying to change direction really. But then, there it was - a reason to make the change. It's not like I haven't read many other posts, blogs, books, etc. that said pretty much the same thing but Elizabeth always has a way to reach me like no one else.
I took more time to listen to my daughter today. I took more time to be with her, to talk with her, to dance with her, to learn with her, to enjoy her. I wrapped my head around what it could look like if I took to heart all that I read in that blog post and then I remembered why I love homeschooling our kids. I needed that breath of fresh air. I needed to be told, reminded, assured - that I don't have to be or do anything else than what I am doing. I'm good enough. I don't have to write books or articles or be guest writers on other peoples blogs (not that that was in any way something I had hopes of doing - it was just some of the focus of the conference). I don't even have to sit in front of a screen today or this week for that matter. I can - if I make good choices about my time and my priorities.
I recently went to a blogging conference, you know the one I wrote about before. I had the most incredible time - there will have to be a whole other post (or several) to really express what a wonderful experience that was. I hope to go back, maybe. But then again, if I don't it's not going to matter. What I realized while I was there was that I really don't have any single purpose to my blog. I have many purposes; none of which is to bring in revenue or to try to say something that I think others can and have said many times and, as I have said before, done so more eloquently than what I imagine I can. While considering some of the information and encouragement I received while at the conference I came to realize I don't have a platform nor do I have a brand. I don't need either. My description says it perfectly - welcome to my blog of no particular purpose. Some days I'll write something I think pretty serious. Other days, most actually, I'll write about what's tickling my little brain that day or recent days. I'll write about cooking, homeschooling, parenting, faith issues, miracles, road rage, 12 step programs, etc...
Mostly, I like to read blogs and see that I am not alone. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older but I notice there are very large numbers of women talking about the same things I've been thinking about. Things like being 'real', finding or deepening friendships with other women, wondering if we've ruined our kids' lives by homeschooling them, thinking that we're not good enough to ___________fill in the blank. The list goes on and on and on. I found myself struggling recently with feelings of being "almost done" with homeschooling. Then reality hit and I realized I've been cheating my daughter so much because of that kind of attitude. Then I feel guilty and ashamed. Having a new attitude has changed my scenery today and I like it. Now I just need to find a way to hold on real tight and enjoy the ride.
to be continued, maybe...
I took more time to listen to my daughter today. I took more time to be with her, to talk with her, to dance with her, to learn with her, to enjoy her. I wrapped my head around what it could look like if I took to heart all that I read in that blog post and then I remembered why I love homeschooling our kids. I needed that breath of fresh air. I needed to be told, reminded, assured - that I don't have to be or do anything else than what I am doing. I'm good enough. I don't have to write books or articles or be guest writers on other peoples blogs (not that that was in any way something I had hopes of doing - it was just some of the focus of the conference). I don't even have to sit in front of a screen today or this week for that matter. I can - if I make good choices about my time and my priorities.
I recently went to a blogging conference, you know the one I wrote about before. I had the most incredible time - there will have to be a whole other post (or several) to really express what a wonderful experience that was. I hope to go back, maybe. But then again, if I don't it's not going to matter. What I realized while I was there was that I really don't have any single purpose to my blog. I have many purposes; none of which is to bring in revenue or to try to say something that I think others can and have said many times and, as I have said before, done so more eloquently than what I imagine I can. While considering some of the information and encouragement I received while at the conference I came to realize I don't have a platform nor do I have a brand. I don't need either. My description says it perfectly - welcome to my blog of no particular purpose. Some days I'll write something I think pretty serious. Other days, most actually, I'll write about what's tickling my little brain that day or recent days. I'll write about cooking, homeschooling, parenting, faith issues, miracles, road rage, 12 step programs, etc...
Mostly, I like to read blogs and see that I am not alone. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older but I notice there are very large numbers of women talking about the same things I've been thinking about. Things like being 'real', finding or deepening friendships with other women, wondering if we've ruined our kids' lives by homeschooling them, thinking that we're not good enough to ___________fill in the blank. The list goes on and on and on. I found myself struggling recently with feelings of being "almost done" with homeschooling. Then reality hit and I realized I've been cheating my daughter so much because of that kind of attitude. Then I feel guilty and ashamed. Having a new attitude has changed my scenery today and I like it. Now I just need to find a way to hold on real tight and enjoy the ride.
to be continued, maybe...
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