Sunday Evening Thoughts
Sunday evening relaxing after the most incredible Spring day - wow. There's so much to do and I know in my head and my heart that it won't all get done; it never does and having expectations that it will only gets me anxious and cranky. There are still things inside the house that need work, painting to be done, de-cluttering to keep up with, the normal day-to-day chores and a garage that will require super-human strength and determination.
But the garden beckons. I have stopped myself from contemplating what new herbs I might find this year. The mere thought of it will send me to the local garden market and that's a dangerous thing. I think I'll have help in the garden this year - more than usual anyway. Must plan first, have a strategy and then work it one step at a time.
I came across a bookmark the other day that had a simple phrase on it that stayed with me - "Move in God's rhythm rather than at the world's pace" - (paraphrased because I'm too lazy to go find the bookmark) from Joyce Meyers. This is like one of the many slogans we learn in "program" that we cling to when we need something to keep us focused on the next right thing. I have sought a rhythm these past few years but always seemed to end up back in the frantic state of anxiety because I can never catch up, never keep up and eventually just feel like a failure. I start out seeking my rhythm rather than His and it still looks more like a schedule than a rhythm. But this works better for me - this rhythm that comes from asking God to order my steps and then letting Him. What freedom and peace there is in trusting God for everything!
Good night!
But the garden beckons. I have stopped myself from contemplating what new herbs I might find this year. The mere thought of it will send me to the local garden market and that's a dangerous thing. I think I'll have help in the garden this year - more than usual anyway. Must plan first, have a strategy and then work it one step at a time.
I came across a bookmark the other day that had a simple phrase on it that stayed with me - "Move in God's rhythm rather than at the world's pace" - (paraphrased because I'm too lazy to go find the bookmark) from Joyce Meyers. This is like one of the many slogans we learn in "program" that we cling to when we need something to keep us focused on the next right thing. I have sought a rhythm these past few years but always seemed to end up back in the frantic state of anxiety because I can never catch up, never keep up and eventually just feel like a failure. I start out seeking my rhythm rather than His and it still looks more like a schedule than a rhythm. But this works better for me - this rhythm that comes from asking God to order my steps and then letting Him. What freedom and peace there is in trusting God for everything!
Good night!
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