Transitions, here we go...
It's early, and I'm dealing with a head cold today. That always slows me down. It also serves up a good portion of compassion in me for my family members, because they seem to suffer from this way more often than I do. The silver lining in feeling like crud. :-)
To be honest, I'm not really sure what I'll be writing here. I've been wrestling with myself, not able to understand the reason or the direction for writing at all. What I do know is that every time I go through periods of thinking about writing, talking about writing, praying about writing it always seems to end up in a standoff, and I am left feeling more confused and frustrated every time. I walk away and get busy doing the other things I know for sure are my given tasks and try to put the whole writing thing on the back burner or take it off the radar altogether. Clearly, it doesn't stay off the radar. And since I've prayed so much about it and asked for help surrendering it, I'm leaning toward it not being a tool of the enemy - I would surely hope that I would never write anything that would advance his cause rather than be used by my Good Father to advance His. This week I remembered that, when it comes to doing what we feel God is directing us to do it, is our responsibility to respond by doing our part, and then letting go and letting God do with it what He will.
One of the things I frequently get hung up on when I try to step forward in this is the aesthetics of the place where it will rest, namely a blog. I've spent hours and hours and a lot of frustration just trying to get a blog template set up with the write colors, the perfect title that will capture all of what I envision it will become and trying to figure out how much of myself and my family I will share here. The question of how to be honest and genuine in my writing without exposing an uncomfortable or unsafe amount of information about my family is one I take seriously.
{This is one of those moments when I realize there is a parallel and a lesson to be learned in my behavior as a wannabe writer and as a Christian. How often do I also waste time and energy trying to figure out how I want my life to look when witnessed by others? I have lived - am still living - seasons of trying to figure that all out.}
To solve that smallish challenge and move on... I have tweaked and merged a couple of my blogs, with my real name and made it very plain. And I think the subtitle does a pretty good job at capturing the spirit of the writing here. That's what it's all about - my life and the lessons I'm learning and want to share.
So, thanks for taking a moment out of your own day to let me share my thoughts about A Life in Progress...
To be honest, I'm not really sure what I'll be writing here. I've been wrestling with myself, not able to understand the reason or the direction for writing at all. What I do know is that every time I go through periods of thinking about writing, talking about writing, praying about writing it always seems to end up in a standoff, and I am left feeling more confused and frustrated every time. I walk away and get busy doing the other things I know for sure are my given tasks and try to put the whole writing thing on the back burner or take it off the radar altogether. Clearly, it doesn't stay off the radar. And since I've prayed so much about it and asked for help surrendering it, I'm leaning toward it not being a tool of the enemy - I would surely hope that I would never write anything that would advance his cause rather than be used by my Good Father to advance His. This week I remembered that, when it comes to doing what we feel God is directing us to do it, is our responsibility to respond by doing our part, and then letting go and letting God do with it what He will.
One of the things I frequently get hung up on when I try to step forward in this is the aesthetics of the place where it will rest, namely a blog. I've spent hours and hours and a lot of frustration just trying to get a blog template set up with the write colors, the perfect title that will capture all of what I envision it will become and trying to figure out how much of myself and my family I will share here. The question of how to be honest and genuine in my writing without exposing an uncomfortable or unsafe amount of information about my family is one I take seriously.
{This is one of those moments when I realize there is a parallel and a lesson to be learned in my behavior as a wannabe writer and as a Christian. How often do I also waste time and energy trying to figure out how I want my life to look when witnessed by others? I have lived - am still living - seasons of trying to figure that all out.}
To solve that smallish challenge and move on... I have tweaked and merged a couple of my blogs, with my real name and made it very plain. And I think the subtitle does a pretty good job at capturing the spirit of the writing here. That's what it's all about - my life and the lessons I'm learning and want to share.
So, thanks for taking a moment out of your own day to let me share my thoughts about A Life in Progress...
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