Hello! Today is:


Sometimes the answer is just no - or wait...

And I react like a sullen child, pouting for not getting my way. I wish it weren’t so, but all too often it is.

I was stood up yesterday, again, by someone who was supposed to show up for an estimate for the work we want done on the deck of our house. It wouldn’t bother me as much if it weren’t the second for this particular entity, and with zero notice. I shot a text 3 minutes before we were supposed to meet to make sure we were still meeting, and then I got a phone call from the individual who was apparently supposed to meet us (I thought it was another individual) saying that he wasn’t going to make it and needed to reschedule. I just handed the phone off to my sweet husband to decide if this was even a company that we would want to deal with considering our intitial experiences with them. I was actually really proud of him for the way he handled it. He was kind, but he was honest, and I so deeply appreciate and admire that about him. I’m not sure I would have handled it quite as well, because let’s face it, I am (at this stage of my menopausal season) a sometimes irrationally emotional creature who descends into melt-down mode the minute stuff like this happens. The struggle is real folks.

I’m really trying to grasp the lesson in all the doors being closed as I try to walk through them, I really am, but it’s not easy. And I confess, these are not difficult, life-changing things. It involves progress I want to make in a season of change. I’m very grateful for all that we have, I’m just striving to make the best of it and it feels like the powers-that-be are barricading my every attempt. As much as I declare that I’m just giving up, it’s not true. Perhaps saying that I’m “letting go” would be a better declaration. I’m trying. 

I hope I will know when the right door stays open, or when a window opens. At this point, I am just left to wonder... 

Just do the next right thing, the one that is right in front of you.  I might have to modify my slogan to add the second part...  and that usually means the dishes, the laundry, vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, picking up after other people, cooking, shopping, answering the endless stream of phone calls...




  1. You’ll know when the right door opens because that’s God’s plan for you. He won’t let you miss it. Xoxo


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