Hello! Today is:



Outside my window It’s definitely January, winter has finally arrived. There is some snow still on the ground, although the forecast is calling for a bit of rain today. I imagine later in the week there may be more snow, more rain, and more snow. That’s what winter is all about in the midwest, right? Our deck is a wreck, seriously. One of the metal canopies was bent beyond normal repair in one of the last windy storms of Fall. We have not done a single thing to remedy the problem or take it down. So it’s just hanging there to remind me everyday the multitude of things we simply don’t get around to. Not many birds. You know why? There’s no bird feeders :-( Slacking on so many things this year, already.

Listening to Silence. And it’s so sweet. I’m getting more of that lately, maybe a bit too much…

Clothing myself in Khaki jeans - or are they tan? It’ rare these days that I wear a pair of regular jeans. I prefer the look stretch of jeggings. The scale was very unkind the last half of 2018 and I’m paying the price. I have managed to turn the ship around and it’s heading in the right direction now, but still, that overhang. Yuck!

Keeping house Just trying to keep up with the rhythm I’m striving for. It worked for a long time and honestly I have no idea when it went sideways. I think I could guess, but I’m not going there right now. Maybe later. Maybe never.

Keeping it simple That rhythm is the key to keeping it simple. Not overthinking things like I normally do. This is a habit I’m trying to form and maintain. Keeping it simple has more to do with what goes on in my head than what happens in my surroundings.

To be fit and healthy Weighing food, logging it, average daily weight logging, being very intentional. It started working immediately. I am back on the train for the long haul. I shared with my friend yesterday that there’s no way I’m going to make excuses for why I don’t want to lose weight. Yes, I love myself just the way I am, but I don’t like the excess baggage I’m toting around inside myself. So let’s just handle that, shall we? I miss my walks and stretching. I could figure this out and get it done inside if need be. I’ll work on that. LOL

Pondering Everything. Every. single. thing.

Watching Hoping not to watch much. I’d rather be reading!

Reading Still blogs, lots of blogs. I bought books to help me on the fiction writing journey. I hope to get to those if I can ever actually claim my Friday Free Day to myself.

Loving the moments When I remember that everything is just as it should be. I’m not in control, I’m not supposed to be in control. I love when I see grace and forgiveness being extended often and easily.

Words worth sharing Our pastor recently shared this thought; You believe in God, but do you believe God? That’s worth sharing - and pondering. Along those lines, you know about God, but do you know God. Do I? Do I know God? Do I believe God?

Giving thanks For a husband that really knows me and loves me, is very gentle and patient with me. He is a good man. I am honored to call him husband.

Planning for the week ahead Maybe next week won’t be quite so busy. I got used to the white space on my calendar, and I really liked it. This week started out in high gear with doctor’s appointments, dental appointments, helping folks get some things done and a 1st birthday party planned for Friday. I realized I have like 18 people coming to our house in a few days. WHAT!? I gotta get busy!!! Then there is a 3rd birthday around the corner - literally - like four days later. Then there's this mini-session my daughter is doing at our house to help raise money for her little sister to go on mission... that a story for another day.

One thing, I have a plan for blog posts now. It’s pretty tentative, but I think it’s a good plan. Oh, I guess I already messed up the schedule; I thought today was Monday and it’s actually Tuesday!! Daybook posts are intended for Mondays. I’m the boss though, so I think it’s okay. LOL

