Hello! Today is:


Giving thanks - for the time John and I spent together on the road to camp and back; for the hospitality extended to us while at camp; for the new friendships we discovered while at camp; for all the fun we are having exploring our new camp; the people who stepped up and made it possible for us to go to camp; for the people who will eventually clear our lots at camp - because there is no way whatsoever that I can step one single foot in there before it’s cleared now that I have confirmed my suspicion.

In the garden - it grew plenty while we were away for our little hiatus, but the basil isn’t doing well. I don’t know what’s happening but my growing skills are shrinking, and I don’t like it, not one little bit. I hope to try to get a new pot of basil growing with a better mix of soil and place it where it won’t get all the rain on the leaves. I’ll have to be more dedicated to watering it, but I can do that for the hope of better basil. We’ve had so much rain, and add the fact that we fouled up when we didn’t do a proper mixing of soil and compost - well, that’s a recipe for a pathetic garden. :-(

Most everything else seems to be overcoming our errors. The rain has helped wash away the toxic levels of whatever compost produces, and I did manage to mix in some soil. But who knows, the problems may yet show up later in the growing season. 

After listening to this podcast (again), we are approaching our garden a little more enthusiastically. We’ll need to find more sunny spots in our lawn. I want and hope to add back our small fruits also. We’ve had raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and grapes. We have peach and apple trees - neither of which have done well. I wonder if it’s because we only half tend them or because we truly have no idea what we’re doing LOL.  When John retires, we will both be more than happy to spend time figuring it all out. God willing.

In the kitchen - the new stove is awesome. We’re starting to figure out the weird dual fuel thing. I’m still a little skeptical about the idea that an electric oven is better to bake with, but I’ll hold off on my final judgment until I’ve baked some bread. 

I hope to get a menu on the board later today. But there are a few other things on the mental list that have a higher priority. 

In the sewing room - exactly nothing.

Writing - also exactly nothing.

Reading - you guessed it - nothing.

Watching - too much.

Listening - to the aforementioned podcast.

New song -

The week ahead - … your guess is as good as mine.

Note to self - introverts NEED time alone. As an introvert who gets ZERO time alone, I am on the verge of losing my mind. Just so we're clear.

