Lost and found - again!
Ask me if I have time to be sitting here blogging and I will tell you, honestly, no way! But I had to say that I FOUND MY CALENDAR!!! Thank you, Christina, for your effective prayer :-)
Now it is interesting to note where I found my calendar and the irony ;-) I found it in the pages of the - ehmm - lesson plan for the kids. Why then, you ask, did I not find it earlier? Well, that would be because Susan, the unstructured, disorganized, feeling like she is failing her kids homeschooling mom hasn't looked at the lesson plan in ___________ we wont' even put a number of days in here. That's not to say they haven't been doing their work but it certainly is to admit that it's not being done consistantly and well. The call went into the superintendant today from the frazzled teacher that she just can't do this anymore!!! I at least accepted a good portion of the blame. They don't know what to expect from one day to the next!
Being unstructured is okay for someone whose personality leans that way but mine does not! I love structure and routine - I thrive on it - but I am just struggling so much with getting it in place and keeping it in place!
It's a good thing that the Lord called us to this whole homeschooling business because if He hadn't we would have thrown in the towel a long time ago...
By the way, when the superintendant heard the lamenting of the teacher he offered to come home and help but didn't even have a hint of suggestion that sending them back to school was an option. Thank goodness!!!!
Now it is interesting to note where I found my calendar and the irony ;-) I found it in the pages of the - ehmm - lesson plan for the kids. Why then, you ask, did I not find it earlier? Well, that would be because Susan, the unstructured, disorganized, feeling like she is failing her kids homeschooling mom hasn't looked at the lesson plan in ___________ we wont' even put a number of days in here. That's not to say they haven't been doing their work but it certainly is to admit that it's not being done consistantly and well. The call went into the superintendant today from the frazzled teacher that she just can't do this anymore!!! I at least accepted a good portion of the blame. They don't know what to expect from one day to the next!
Being unstructured is okay for someone whose personality leans that way but mine does not! I love structure and routine - I thrive on it - but I am just struggling so much with getting it in place and keeping it in place!
It's a good thing that the Lord called us to this whole homeschooling business because if He hadn't we would have thrown in the towel a long time ago...
By the way, when the superintendant heard the lamenting of the teacher he offered to come home and help but didn't even have a hint of suggestion that sending them back to school was an option. Thank goodness!!!!
WOOHHOOOO!!!! the calendar has been found!!! now can you help find my brain.. because it has been missing for YEARS... OOHH and yes I agree if I do not have it scheduled it isnt happening.. that includes school. Hence the reason we are SSSOOO far behind where we should be..SO am I failing??? .. not at all.. just behind for my piece of mind.. in the end they will all get it.. (okay that was not in reference to robins end lol hahaha.. okay. .i need to umm stop typing now!!)