Hello! Today is:


Some days just seem like the plates that you have to keep spinning are completely out of control. When you have many days in a row like that it really can drag you down. I really think, for me at least, it is much about my perspective. Some days I get up feeling like I can accomplish everything I really need to and some days I know before I ever get out of bed that I won't accomplish enough to feel like I even got out of bed that day.

I think we tend to forget the lessons we learn along the way. Lessons like turn off the television, the ringers on the phone and the computer. I need to admit to myself that I cannot focus on my vocation if I am constantly distracted by these tools. They are wonderful tools and I am greatful for the fact that we can benefit from their use. But where do we draw the line between their usefullness as tools and their drawbacks as distractions?

I am vowing today, Sunday, that I am returning to my original commitment to turn the ringers off, keep the television and the computer off until a certain point in the day when I believe they will no longer simply be a distraction from the more important things to be done.

The Vinn diagram is about to become my planning tool. Too many thoughts swirling and too many things demanding my attention. Must get focused, must get focused...

