Hello! Today is:


Goal for today - winter preparedness for the vehicles

Have you ever woke up with this very deep gut feeling that you need to do something that you don't ordinarily do and that it's really important?  Yeah, me too.  This morning as the temperature drops dangerously low with wind chill factors, my mind is fixed on getting blankets and emergency supplies into the vehicles of each of our family members.  No one travels far from home and all have cell phones but things happen.  I remember, with great sadness, a family in our home-school group that experienced a most tragic loss in what most would consider a bizarre turn of events - one that could have been avoided at so many places on the path by a simple action taken.  It reminds me not to take lightly the advice to prepare as much as we can. 

I'll be nagging about coats and gloves and hats today and probably for the next couple of days it appears according to the weather forecast.  But I'll also do my part to simply gather supplies and blankets and get them in their cars myself.  They won't complain if I do it and it will get done.  I'll sleep better at night.

A quick look on Google and there are plenty of sites that provide good lists.  Check them out and sleep better too!


