Hello! Today is:


It's so simple, and I'm so glad

The past few days weeks months, I've been thinking about this space and wondering if I should come write something.  Maybe there is something profound to be written here - or not.  Maybe I should make some progress in my vision for an herb business, maybe I should start a new blog - or try to make more of this one, think about writing a book, plant a bigger garden, work on finding land to build a new house, maybe I should...(fill in the blank).  But then I realized that I'm actually very content with just living life on life's terms.  There truly is no one thing that is important enough to me that I would want to dedicate the time and energy to build it into a business.  I don't want a well developed blog that requires daily posts and monitoring and I absolutely do not want to monetize it or use it as a money-maker.  That was never the purpose for starting this blog adventure.  And although I love and can't get enough of all things herbs and have some vision for a future family business venture built around that passion I am not ready for that - just yet.  There are so many other wonderful things to fill my hours and days right now that I just want to savor each of them no matter how mundane they may seem.

And that, my friends, sounds like a good plan!


