Just do the next right thing
I can often be heard speaking this phrase. What does that look like?
In my life, that could be seen on days when I wake up with what I affectionately refer to as brain fog. You know the mornings when I wake up with no clear purpose or direction for the day. Or perhaps so many directions and things on my "to-do" list that I'm overwhelmed and paralyzed. If I've started the day out with God first thing in the morning, I find peace even if I still don't have a clear view of the day ahead. If I've failed to do that it takes a little longer. I've learned through that catch phrase to stop trying to figure out the whole picture. Focus on just the next thing, but make it the next right thing, meaning don't abandon my post and sit around feeling sorry for myself or stirring any obsessions. Just do the next right thing. One of my favorite readings in al-anon was, "Trust God, call your sponsor and do the dishes.". It's that simple. And it works.
Another thing I've read that seems to encourage the same idea is "just enough light for the step I'm on.". I don't need to see the top of the stairs to take the next step. I'm not privy to the next step.
"So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."
Matthew 6:34 NLT
Matthew 6:34 NLT
The same could be said for the next hour. Letting go of the illusion of control requires trust and God wants us to trust Him - for everything. So I guess you could say that doing the next right thing is an exercise in learning to trust God.
Ready for some exercise - and some peace?
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