Hello! Today is:


My hair is still too short.  But I decided to start loving it.  So now, I'll just wait for it to grow out a bit and I think it will be exactly what I wanted.  It's growing on me, literally and figuratively.

I took a brief stroll in my herb gardens this evening.  Oh my goodness, color me JOY-FILLED!!  How can I possibly consider not growing this year?  Seriously.  It's happening, God willing.  The perennials are already doing so well!  Beautiful winter savory, oregano, lavendar, sage, sweet woodruff and coneflowers in the front bed along with the asiatic lilies and day lilies I planted last year.  They are coming up strong and healthy and self propagating abundantly.

In the back the weeds are really just providing a nice cover for the mints, oregano, thyme and columbines.  I tried a few flowers last year and it looks like they're gonna do well!

I thought perhaps we would dig up the lonely raspberry plant we had left at the end of last season, or at the very least let it die like the other 6-8 did.  And then my neighbor brought down her mother load of raspberry shoots that she dug up.  Health reasons prompted her to simplify and get rid of all her garden.  They've been sitting in the same buckets she hauled them down here in her wagon.  I considered giving them away.  Then I took a walk in the backyard and what did my happy eyes behold?  Raspberry bushes, thriving like they never, ever have in the eight or nine years we've had them there.  Needless to say, we'll be getting those other plants in the ground ASAP.

Gardening is so unpredictable.  Just when you think it's not worth it and are ready to throw in the towel, God gives you a little nudge and says, wait.  Wait.  And then he shows you the possibilities and results of waiting and fills you up with happy and reminds you why you love digging in the dirt and basking in the sunshine.

The weekend forecast looks good and the backyard is beckoning.  How can I resist?  I don't plan to.  There are things to do and the birds are looking for their seed!

Ridiculously happy Spring!!!

