A brief moment of realization...
You'd surely think that after living 52 years plus I would have a little more wisdom under my belt, but alas, I still am lacking.
Yes, I've been married nearing 32 years this month, raised five fantastic kids and even get to enjoy 3 grandchildren to date. It never really occurred to me that our job as moms doesn't really end - ever - it just changes seasons. I guess I kept thinking that with three of the five moving out on their own the work load would reduce to, well, pretty much not much. I - was - wrong. If you stop and think about it I still have what many people start out with - there are four people living, breathing, eating, showering and sharing space in this house. And we have a full time guest for the duration of Summer 2016. And he likes his protein - aka meat. :-) So there is still shopping to do. Still cooking to do, and cleaning, laundry, dusting, picking up, bills to pay, phone calls to answer and ignore or return, errands to run. What has changed? Not much accept that I'm not getting any younger.
Yes, I've been married nearing 32 years this month, raised five fantastic kids and even get to enjoy 3 grandchildren to date. It never really occurred to me that our job as moms doesn't really end - ever - it just changes seasons. I guess I kept thinking that with three of the five moving out on their own the work load would reduce to, well, pretty much not much. I - was - wrong. If you stop and think about it I still have what many people start out with - there are four people living, breathing, eating, showering and sharing space in this house. And we have a full time guest for the duration of Summer 2016. And he likes his protein - aka meat. :-) So there is still shopping to do. Still cooking to do, and cleaning, laundry, dusting, picking up, bills to pay, phone calls to answer and ignore or return, errands to run. What has changed? Not much accept that I'm not getting any younger.
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