Hello! Today is:


"You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God."
1 Peter 3:4 

There are moments when I realize my spirit is simply agitated, and often for no apparent reason.  I get short and snippy with people, and things in general just don't seem to go smoothly.  In short, my attitude stinks, and it shows.  Sometimes when I recognize this truth I am reminded that scripture encourages me to clothe myself with a gentle and quiet spirit. And what does that mean exactly? I'm glad you asked.  

In a very practical way, for me that means that I slow down, physically, mentally, verbally - above all verbally, which also reflects the quiet spirit.  I breathe slower, I focus more intentionally on whatever I may be doing.  I actually speak in a very low, slow, intentionally gentle voice, if at all.  I step more carefully, aware of my presence in the room.  The voices clashing in my mind quiet down, the next right thing comes into view as the fog is cleared away. I try doing the thing that has just prompted a near melt-down again, this time with a better attitude, holding a little more loosely to the results.  My heart slows, my muscles relax and my perspective is changed.  I've had an attitude adjustment as a result of simply abiding by the words of scripture.

Not a theological answer but something worth considering.

