Hello! Today is:


There’s a twelve-step program for that. My husband’s response to my complaining on occasion. It might be annoying, but it’s true. I’m convinced it’s true. Not that you could find a local chapter of 12 Step Program for housewives or bus drivers. But every day people could benefit from the principles, I am absolutely convinced of this. And I intend to show you what I mean. Not everyone is going to agree with me, this I realize. But it won’t really matter - my target, if you will, are those who might be open-minded enough to at least consider what I’m trying to share.

I’d start maybe by telling you where we’ve been, where I’ve been. What it was like, what happened, and what it’s like now. You see, for pretty much every idea, we have a slogan or saying that sums up the principles of how that works in real life. It’s really hard to take an idea and apply it to our daily activities and encounters with others, don't you agree? The things I’d share are not really a set of instructions, it’s more like a road map that provides lots of ways to arrive at a similar destination, but allowing each person using it to travel their own path. One size may fit all, but it it rarely looks the same on everyone.

I just need to put my fingers on the keyboard and start, right? I have lots of the slogans and mottos written down for springboards. Now do the work girl.

