Hello! Today is:



I had just a smallish epiphany about an hour ago. Wanna hear it? LOL

I continue to go round and round about writing, blogging, etc... and beating myself up over my inability to stick to a decision about showing up and just doing the work, which is what I've learned is the key to actually being a writer. The challenge is always believing that the writing should be last, that maybe there is just no room for it in our already busy lives and not important enough to make room for it. They say you have to live a great story to write a great story, and that is exactly what I want to do - I want to live a great story and write about it. I believe I am living it, now I just have to make the time and space to write it. There are so many avenues of doing that and it gets overwhelming sometimes. I need to just make a decision and stick to it.

My epiphany, if you will, was this; this particular avenue, my blog, platform, whatever you want to call it... it's my space to write about my life in progress - it says so right there in the title - and the tagline reminds me I'm supposed to keep it simple! I so often need this reminder!!

So today let me just say that the sun is shining, finally. It's been a rather quiet Thursday, just a small amount of shopping, taking the girl to class and going to pick her up in one minute. Bible study tonight so I don't have to make dinner - what a sweet blessing it is to be part of this crew and have someone take up the mantel of hosting it in their home and feeding us every week. I love this second family I am part of.

My friend asked me to write an article (any topic I choose) for the wonderful group she recently founded - The Real Sisterhood. I'm excited to be part of this growing group of women discovering and nurturing genuine friendships in real life, something so many of us crave, but seemed to have lost in the sea of social media. The question now, is what topic do I choose to write about and share with these sweet souls? Thinking...

So, I think I'll call this good for now, click the publish button, and come back again tomorrow and see what comes to mind. Feel free to join me on the crazy train!

