Hello! Today is:



Outside my window… there is still snow, but the sun is finally shining. Our deck is still a wreck LOL but there is hope that it will soon be cleaned up, repaired, expanded and ready for use for the whole family and lots of gatherings with friends over the Summer  months and even more if we can find a way to keep it warm enough in the Fall.

I checked the forecast on the weather app this morning and I can see a change coming in the next week or so. Before long I will be tempted to complain about the heat, but I will maintain my previous years’ motto - “Suck it up Buttercup”! I pray we will embrace and enjoy every single moment that the season offers. God - be at the center of it all, please :-)

I couldn’t take it anymore yesterday - Christina even noticed that all the birds had migrated to Mike’s house (our neighbor) and none were near our deck, which in the past has been the bird haven through the year. I snuck out, with snow boots and a jacket, tossed some bird seed on the rails of the deck and came back indoors to watch and wait for their return. I stole all the birds.  ALL.THE.BIRDS. I can’t wait until we can get the deck in shape, build the patio, and hang the bird feeders and bird baths for them! Love my birds :-)

Listening to… Smurfs, and a baby boy rolling along the hardwood floors in his walker. Jeremiah and Christina are here for a few days and we cleared the way the way so he has plenty of space to venture. I can hardly believe that his birthday is next month. Also the washer and dryer are busy serving our family by getting our clothes clean. The heat is kicking on fairly often to keep us warm. So many things to be grateful for, right?

Clothing myself in… jeans that are still too tight around my midline. :-( But it’s better this way because it will serve as a reminder that there is work to be done in the area of weight loss. I am doing better. My attitude is better, taking on a more moderate view and habits that will be easier to maintain for life. I just can’t wait to get back to the walking path!!!
Keeping house… it’s much easier these days. I’m noticing how much easier it has been to regroup following any kind of gathering whether it be just family or friends and family. Furniture gets returned to its spot and things get put away where they belong much more quickly than in the past partly because I know it has to if I am to keep my sanity, and also because everything generally has a place and it’s easier than having to rearrange things in order to find homes for stuff that are basically homeless. LOL

Keeping it simple… finding it much easier to think of our current house and the things we can do here rather than turning our world upside down, moving to a new house and then trying to rent or sell this place. I never really stopped to think what impact it might have on our kids and grandkids either. This is the only home all of our grand-littles know, and the only one Rachel really remembers. Because we have been here so long it really has become home even to those of us who moved so often while John was active duty. And we still love our neighborhood. I’m not sure we could ask for more. It’s not perfect and it’s sure to go through future transitions and maybe even some rough spots, but I think, as a community, we can tough it out and work through the hard things. Rhythm - that’ been the key. Not routine, because that could become too rigid and not flexible enough to let things go when something more important comes up. Rhythm allows for all things to be a little fluid without being chaotic.

To be fit and healthy… I have my work out from Mandie, now all I have to do is actually start doing it. Lifting and bands are part of it. I think I will enjoy feeling stronger and leaner. Get on that girl. Maybe check out the gyms this week and decide on the one for the family - Y? Anytime Fitness? Metro-plex? Just not sure yet. Rachel and I want some classes - yoga and zumba... time to check it out.

Also, there is that dancing thing. Yep, I still want to take the dance lessons with John and it's about time to put my money where my mouth is. With or without him I intend to take those lessons starting in the next month.

Embracing the season... I have half-jokingly declared that I am experiencing a "good girl mid-life crisis". Meaning I don't plan to buy a convertible or a sports car, leave my husband or dramatically change any other aspects of my life. Because, honestly, I have a great life folks!! But... I decided to get braces a couple weeks ago - just call me metal mouth, I am growing my natural hair color out, which of course happens to be a shiny silver :-), and I really am on board with long term changes to my weight, strength, flexibility and endurance, so I have decided to commit the next 12 months to significant, permanent physical fitness. All three of these adventures will take about 12 months to complete.

Working on ways to generate some income so my sweet husband can make a choice to do something he really enjoys in the near future. I don't have a lot of mad skills, so the writing and related interests will have to be the source of the revenue... still thinking on this.

Pondering… among many things, writing. More specifically, ways to take the lid off the creativity that I am feeling has been constrained for a long time. I think I need some specifics exercises to get my creative juices flowing. And you know, as I was just typing that I realize there are exercises in the Artist Way books… I have it in the rhythm to work on those books at least once a week - I’ll want to make sure that happens this week and it might prove helpful in accomplishing this particular goal.

Also, I found an old friend on Facebook this morning. It was quite the rabbit trail, but I did find her and asked if she would mind a friend request. You never know whether people remember you fondly or otherwise, you know? LOL

Watching… that little guy I mentioned running around in his stroller :-)

Reading… just finished Every Breath by Nicholas Sparks. Christina highly recommended it and I finished it last night. I thought all along it was based on a true story. Turns out that it was not, it was just a type of literary device the author employed. Kind of disappointed to discover it wasn’t based on a true story, but the idea of that kind of device interests me and opens my mind to one more way to approach anything I might write. :-)

Loving the moments… all of them. I just love all the moments I have the privilege of being alive. So many people don’t have that privilege today. The husband of a friend at church passed away last week. Very sad for her, they were married for a long time. I’ll be praying for her heart.

Words worth sharing Practice listening to understand rather than to respond.

Giving thanks for … again, every single thing. So much to be grateful for!!!

Planning for the week ahead... I need to put my menu together, do a little shopping and there are more doctor appointments on the schedule. I'd like to catch up with my kindred spirt, do some writing and work on a project to get my old photos uploaded so I'll have them in digital form. They won't be good quality, but they will at least be available for future generations.

Grace and peace for the week ahead!!

