Hello! Today is:


Outside my window - it’s still dark. I managed to get up at my preferred time of 4:30 AM. I know that sounds insane to some people, but it’s the best time of my day when I manage to actually get up. The quiet, uninterrupted time is perfect for just sitting and spending time listening for God. However corny that might sound, it’s the only way I know how to explain it.

Listening to - more music these days. I have returned to listening to the local Christian station, but as I often am at this time of the year, I was reminded how much I love country music. I’m also loving podcasts, The Next Right Thing by Emily P Freeman specifically. Although I’m a little envious that she did it first :-) I often considered starting a blog (and perhaps something like a podcast before podcasts were a thing…) based on The Next Right Thing. It was and is my mantra. In fact, the tag line for one of my earlier blogs actually was “just do the next right thing”. I suppose I could still do something with it, but it is just naturally part of the focus of my blog anyway, so no need to limit the scope of my content.

Clothing myself in - my pajamas (didn't I just say it was 4:30 am LOL) and until I get some laundry done today I won’t have anything that I normally wear available, so that will be at the top of the list of things to do LOL
Keeping house - I cleaned our bathroom last week - that was a big deal to me! LOL I know it shouldn’t be, but it had been a long time and it really needed it. I hate cleaning bathrooms - I’d be happy to pay someone to do it. If we ever have a cleaning service come in, bathrooms, dusting and floors will be my top priorities. Part of the house that I have just closed the door on and have been ignoring is the basement. The cats own it, but that’s about to change. They’ve gone too far and now I just can’t tolerate the waste when we have growing littles that would benefit from the space. 

Keeping it simple - reminding myself that “the list of things to do” is never done - for anyone, ever. I think the reminder to just do the next right thing helps with this. If I’m only focused on the thing, not all the things, it helps keep me grounded and prevents the overwhelm that paralyzes me. Hopefully, it will also help us recover from the BurnOut and prevent us from going there again.

To be fit and healthy - I got nothing… oh wait, maybe going gray gracefully could fit under this category LOL. I’ll try to snap a photo and include it with the post! Pondering - how to live out the things I’ve been hearing lately. When the messages from several reliable sources converge to create a bigger picture, a clearer message, then it’s something I don’t want to take lightly.
Watching - finished all the series we were working on and hoping and planning to take a break from tv and focus on reading. Speaking of...

Reading - I plan to crack open Blood Spell and begin where I left off. There is a growing list of wonderful fiction books I hope to read. My daughters are rediscovering their great love of reading too! I’m also reading (in pieces) The Ministry of Ordinary (still), and I also ordered The Next Right Thing by Emily P Freeman - the book that inspired the aforementioned podcast. I’ll also be looking through materials I ordered - that have not yet arrived - to start up a group inspired by 12 Step programs. It’s technically called Emotions Anonymous, but boy I just don’t care for that name. I can’t really put my finger on why, but I don’t. Each group can have it’s own name so I have affectionately called this one Life Support. I’m not sure how or if it will come to fruition, but I know I need to give it a shot.
Loving the moments - of gratitude. Without it I forget to love well. 

Learning lessons in - Voice Over. I’ve made the decision to go for this dream! I have wanted to do this for a long time now, in addition to writing, and I feel like the time is right. Along with pursuing something I have a keen interest in doing, I want to create a source of income that will enable my good husband to make changes he needs to make for his peace of mind. Expect to hear more about all of this in the coming weeks and months!!
Words worth sharing -“But for the Grace of God”, “Limitless Love and Fearless Faith”.
Giving thanks for - my neighbor who shared the recipe to the most delicious kabobs we’ve ever eaten! So simple and yet so yummy!! Also and more importantly, second chances to make things right before it’s too late. In our attempts to recover from said BurnOut, I have withdrawn from spending time and energy with people I love so dearly, and unintentionally made them feel abandoned and alone I think. That stops now. It’s never been my strength that enabled me to do whatever needs to be done anyway, and I think I might have forgotten that. I will seek to find ways to take care of myself better to avoid future burnout, but will not neglect to do good in the meantime. I will lean all the more into my Father who gives me strength.
Planning for the week ahead - third orthodontic adjustment :-) Things are moving along nicely and I can see that I will be very glad I went through with the decision to get braces even though I’m in my 50s!! LOL Help toward getting one girl settled into her house; help getting another girl’s house reset; enjoying two girls being home from their long trip away, normal rhythm, more research and learning about Voice Over and get started in that direction. And apparently witnessing the very unseasonal weather for the midwest we are currently experiencing. 

I’m considering other categories to add here… 

