Hello! Today is:



Giving thanks for - rest. But I need more of it and then I will be even more thankful for it.

Outside my window - It’s a dark October morning; a bit foggy. 64 degrees with a high of 72 and low of 42 in the forecast. The rest of the week looks more like October.
Clothing myself in - light blue denim stretch capris that I am totally over wearing another single time. Burgundy short-sleeve, v-neck top. Tennis shoes on at the ready to go deliver the grand littles to daycare and get the snowball of a day rolling. Keeping house - there’s a new dishwasher in my kitchen. It didn’t work the first week after it was installed. We called to have the company come back out and take a look to see what in the world was keeping a brand new dishwasher from working. They fixed it. Now the real question is, “Was it worth the money?” Not as in is this particular model worth the money, but is it worth having a dishwasher at all? I’m torn. There will be more on this in a separate post later this week, God willing.

The garage has been returned to its upright position and is prepared to receive my van for parking. As I suspected, it didn’t take long. I just needed some muscle to help move the thing I couldn’t move by myself and then other things just returned to the places they belonged and all is good in the world again. Well, at least the world contained in the square footage of our garage. 
Keeping it simple - after last week’s mastermind meeting I came away once again with the growing understanding that my blogging is simply a hobby. I’m honestly not sure how I feel about that. In some ways it’s such a relief; no pressure, no expectations. But then I wonder if that is fulfilling the purpose God had in mind when he planted, and now refuses to remove, the desire to write from my heart and mind. I mean, he did for a time a couple years ago when I asked, but then he handed it right back to me. Now I don’t dare ask him to remove it again lest I be left with a broken heart. 

As always, when left stewing in this quandary, I return to the basics of the purposes I am certain of; daughter to the King, wife to a wonderful man, mom to crazy awesome kids, ma-ma to precious grand littles. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, and all the home management certainly does get monotonous, but this I know with every ounce of my being - I wouldn't trade it for anything or everything else. There will never be anything else more important than this job. If nothing ever comes of the other interests in my life, so be it.  
To be fit and healthy - this category will self-destruct in three, two, one... Pondering - everything. I am a ponderer apparently. 

Listening to - quiet. Stillness.
Reading - the stack grew by one more title in my mind, but as of yet not in reality. Exploring yet another avenue of interest - storytelling. My business card has “storyteller” as the description, but I mean as in an actual story teller. It’s a thing. I knew it was a thing, but not really. Does that make sense? Long Story Short is the book I’m considering. I’m taking a day to consider if it was just a passing thing or if it’s going to stay with me.

Watching - Hallmark Autumn
Loving the moments - that John and I are able to protect our precious time together. We love being with our kids and grandkids, there is no doubt about that. But in this season when things are so busy in weird ways that we didn’t anticipate, it can be difficult to keep those boundaries intact. When we do, we know it is worth the effort.
Planning for the week ahead - I need to get a menu nailed and posted for the sake of my sanity. This day-to-day thing just isn’t working well for me. Too much ordering out or winging it and that doesn’t typically go well.
I also have hopes to work a little on revamping the rhythm of my week. Once again I found myself out shopping for one or two things on the weekend and that basically crushes my spirit. I - just - can’t. No, no, no, no.

Words worth sharing -  “All these things we love to do, the desires placed in our hearts to create beauty, they are like tributaries flowing into the river of our life.” Me ;-)

