Giving thanks for - the breath in my lungs, waking up this morning, heat, coffee, family, technology - even with all its flaws, candles, friends, program, lessons, the medical community, particularly nurses and other medical staff who are working tirelessly even though their own health and safety is threatened every time they enter their workplace. Teachers, all those people who are still showing up for work every day. So much to be thankful for in this life.

Outside my window - it’s dark, and cold, so I can’t report much of anything else at the moment. I imagine the sun is starting to peek it’s head out in the East but I can’t see it, so don’t put too much stock in what I say :-)
Clothing myself in - jeans and a sweatshirt, warm boots, ponytail. Have a lot to do today and it starts pretty early.
Keeping house - it’s in pretty good shape. I just said last night that now that the house is in pretty good order - no big areas that need attention - I might just find some time to sew. Never mind that there is still Christmas decorating to do and a tree to put up… There will always be more projects that can be done. I hope to get the stairway to the basement patched and painted and handrails replaced in the next month or so. That’s a grand plan considering all things Christmas. The guy we hired to renovate our bathroom is supposed to start this week - I have heard not a single word from him letting me know if that’s still the plan. I threatened to start a pool to see if he will or he won’t… You can guess where I’d place my bet :-(
Keeping it simple - all of it. I have returned to a sane state in regards to my writing and creative endeavors. The blog - that’s the thing for now. I’m not giving up on all the other stuff, I’m just waiting and watching as things in our life evolve to allow for other possibilities.
To be fit and healthy - 18 months. I am starting an 18 month journey to lose 70 pounds. This has been a 25 year conversation. I used every excuse in the book - and people allowed me to use the excuses. The doctor has never once suggested that I lose some weight; I’m guessing because my health is very good (thank you Jesus). I won’t even go into the ways and the reasons excuses have prevailed, but I have searched the sources I believe to be reliable and trustworthy - they all tell me I am overweight. Significantly overweight (obese technically). It doesn’t really make sense to ignore the science about how being overweight can and will eventually affect my health and quality of life. It’s time to do something about it rather than talk about it and keep putting it off. I have a best friend who did just that - she did a thing and is sticking to it, and it shows. I’m inspired by her tenacity and the results. Expect some reports here from now on. It will be slow and steady, I’m sure, with lots of bumps in the road. I pray for persistence and endurance.
Pondering - God as our Father. A good father and all that means to me. Hope, joy, peace, love.
Listening to - the tweeting of the smoke alarm that needs a battery change. The faux fireplace blowing heat into the space I’ve made my own for all things writing, the furnace kicking on, early morning silence. It’s good for my soul.
Adding to the playlist - nothing right now. I imagine some new Christmas music will be coming though.
Reading - Starting The Artist’s Way from the beginning and working with a group to go through it. I intend to be consistent and finish it this time. :-)

Watching - All Hallmark all the time. Maybe if I remove this category from the daybook I won’t watch so much tv...
Loving the moments - when things settle down and I have time to just sit with my husband. We have been missing each other in so many ways. We had a long overdue conversation and came up with some solutions to some of our challenges. I pray that they will help and we will be able to relax and reconnect in healthy ways.
Planning for the week ahead - I need to work on the menu while I’m waiting today. I’ll have plenty of time waiting during medical appointments today. I have hopes for a Christmas tree and some decorating. Maybe that bathroom renovation will start, I dunno...
Words worth sharing - From Jesus Calling a few days ago -
“However, I have taken you along a path that has highlighted your need for me; placing you in situations where your strengths were irrelevant and your weaknesses were glaringly evident. Through the aridity of those desert marches, I have drawn you closer and closer to myself.”
It’s not that I don’t have strengths, it’s just that they don’t matter in some situations. Sometimes my weaknesses are more helpful in the big picture.
Something I want to remember from this past week - While John and I worked to get the walls done in the basement, Josh, Christina and Rachel worked to get Christmas lights hung on the exterior of the house. What a gift. Christina has the gift of not procrastinating :-)
Sarah had yet another Covid test and we're still waiting for the results...
And the way sisters love each other...
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