Joshua's Confirmation
Last night we celebrated Joshua's confirmation. Our entire family managed to gather at the same time to witness and celebrate this precious sacrament, what a wonderful blessing. We were especially blessed because his sponsor, Robin, and her entire family were also able to celebrate with us along with our very dear friends, the Polahars and the Cunninghams.
Joshua discovered, during his time with Bishop Higgins, that yesterday happened to be the feast day of his patron St. Joan of Arc. I have to admit, I was unaware of the fact and it was definitely not planned. Joshua chose the same patron saint that both of his older sisters chose (without consulting one another about it). I think St. Joan must have a special meaning to our family.
After years of Joshua negotiating for a cell phone and me insisting that he just didn't need one, the bishop's homily nearly shattered my resolve. In the course of his homily, he asked how many of the confirmands had cell phones. Joshua was one of only two who did not have their own cell phone and the other apparently has one but didn't have it 'with' him. The bishop was just beside himself and told Josh, "Here, hold this. You deserve to have a cell phone, you need a cell phone. Where are your parents?" You'd have had to be there to understand the context but it was quite humorous actually. As you might imagine, the discussion has re-commenced and his father has explained to him what it will take to get him a phone of his own.
We love you, Joshua.
Mom & Dad
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