Hello! Today is:


Maybe it's not the whisper of God at all. Maybe it's just my pride telling me I need to do something more or something different.

I am considering making some serious changes in my volunteer life. I realized this morning that I've been waiting for God to reveal to me what I am suppose to be doing and what I am not supposed to be doing. After an unpleasant good-bye to my husband this morning, I remembered reading a short list of ways to know if you are doing too much outside the home. One of them was if your husband seems unhappy about the time you spend away from the home. It struck me this morning that his very innocent question - are you going to be gone tonight - something that will keep you out late? - was his way of telling me he's unhappy about the amount of time I spend away from the home. The next thing that struck me when my inner voice cried out, "I'm not away from home that much anymore! I have cut back so much this past few years!" -was, in today's age of communication, that includes time that I'm not present mentally - I.E. on the computer or in thought about other things.

I understood for a brief moment that I have been hearing God's whisper for a long time - I just wasn't listening.

More later...

