Hello! Today is:


That's right, I have been breathing on this earth for 19,144 days.  I am thankful for each and every one of them.  Really, I am.

All is not well on the home front, the extended home front actually.  Last week was a week for the records, sadly.  Can't go into details, sorry, some things are better left un-blogged.  But I want to remember that during this time, I have been peaceful, and I know it's only because of lessons I've learned in the deep end.  I can't change things that have already happened, I can't change the way things will happen.  I can only do my best to manage how I respond to people and events.  My best bet is simply to hide in the heart of God.  I know I won't be alone there.  I know some other people I love are hidden deeply there also.  I pray God will be gentle with them.

So, 19,144 days is a good thing.  If I am fortunate enough to claim 19,145, maybe I'll be back tomorrow to say so.

*** I heard an interesting saying yesterday.  You can either be born twice and die once, or you can be born once and die twice.   Something to think about.

