Hello! Today is:


don't know where this draft will go.  It will stay a draft until I've had a chance to work it over a  few times.  I'm realizing more and more that I live a very sheltered life.  I'm pretty glad for that.

I have discovered other "recovery" blogs.  I don't really think I would fully consider what I want to do a recovery blog but it's kind of close.  Those I came across definitely were written from the perspective of those who had active addictions rather than co-dependent types.  They are blogging about similar things though - life, how to live life in recovery, how to use the tools in program to go about living a good life.  I'll try to check them out more regularly.  I also noticed and was reminded that not all in recovery have the same lifestyle, perspective, faith, they don't share the same political views among so many other things.  But that is part of the MICROCOSM of PROGRAM that I want to write about.

It's going to take a lot of work and time to start seeing this as an actual job - career.  I like that though.  I like the thought that I could actually do something with this stuff that's always inside of me begging to get out.  I look forward to and welcome the work and the fun and the learning!!

I have "blog brain #1 and #2 holding most of my ideas for now.  I have been receiving several collections of tips from pro-blogger types and am starting the process of self-teaching.  I have decided not to enroll and pay the exorbitant amount for the Elite Blog Academy.  It does sound like something I would enjoy and probably benefit from but there are far too many things in line ahead of that luxury :-)

I unfollowed Allen West - his posts are making me crazy.  I may agree with him on most but all they do it stir the pot in my obsessive mind and make me mad and distract me from better things. Period

Structure, there will be structure here eventually.  I have ideas about it but I need to get them sorted out and on paper rather than stuck in my brain.

Food is my drug.  No two ways about it.  Every time I hear that little snarkiness coming from the mouths of my sweet babes I want to devour mountains of chocolate.  And it's freakin hot in here!!!

