Hello! Today is:


Woke up bright and early this Saturday morning and was able to get right to work - after going to Wal-mart to purchase the necessary components to my morning routine - COFFEE, CofFeE, cOFfeE, CoFfEe...   --- creamer :-)

My mornings (good ones at least) include about an hour pouring over my Morning Pages Journal, Language of Letting Go, More Language of Letting Go, Jesus Calling and scripture.  A brisk walk at the park adds the perfect mix of ready-to-start-my-day.

It's April 1st, which makes it "April Fool's Day".  I don't enjoy the idea of foolishness on this day, especially now, three years to the day that my daughter was in a serious car accident she miraculously was able to crawl away (into the ditch in the Spring rain)  from with just a pretty nasty bump on the head and concussion.  God definitely watches over us, you'll never hear me say otherwise.

Tomorrow there is a special celebration of a life we enthusiastically look forward to welcoming into our family.  The Blessing Way is new to me and to the mom-to-be.  I'll report more later.  Now, I have to step away and head to church.

Peace, Out

