LOL - what I learned Saturday
I'm not sure I'm the crafty type, seriously. There are things I like to do, but I have to be in the mood for them. My mom would be the first to tell you that most crafty type stuff is like a wave in the ocean for me. If I don't catch it when the urge strikes and ride it, it will be gone in 12 seconds. Even if I do manage to ride the interest for a little while, it quickly washes up on shore and goes back out to sea - where other people who really like doing crafts will ride the waves like a champion surfer. That's not who I am apparently.
I had promised Christina that we would finally pull a couple of the pallets out and see what we could do with them. She had some ideas for re-purposing them and making beautiful things out of them - Pinterest, you know. SMH...
The first challenge I ran into with this whole situation was the fact that I had just started the process of fulfilling a promise I made to another daughter to paint a room in the house that we left unpainted when the transition occurred as one moved out and another moved in. Two rooms need to be painted, actually, and there is some re-arranging to be done also. Let's not forget the things that need to be hung on the walls yet still. So I came up with the plan to rise early, get what I thought would be a second and final coat of paint on the wall of one room, then come home towork play with the pallets. It didn't end up being a final coat. I did the detail work - the ceilings, floor board trim and corners. There is still an obvious need for a full second coat on all surfaces. I ran out of paint. So it had to wait, with a promise I would return Monday - today - to finish the second coat. Home to the pallets.
I had already pulled the pile of pallets out and spread them around the yard so we could see which were in the best condition to work our magic on... Pulled out the paint, the drop cloth, the saw, the sander... my head started spinning and my heart started pounding. Good grief this takes a lot of work, and oh by the way, I have to put all this stuff away when we're done!!!
"Mom, what's for dinner?" :-(
Pulling the pallets apart, sweating in the SEPTEMBER 90 degree weather, removing nails, sanding the surface a little bit, running back and forth for tools that we needed for this project...
I was done. There is no pallet project on the face of the earth that is worth what I was setting myself up for. I could see the place falling apart around me. As much as I like to think I would enjoy creating crafty stuff like pallets and other wood decor - I don't think it's my thing. It simply was not worth the work that it required from the get-go. Maybe, just maybe, if all the pre-work was done (by someone other than me) and I was set up with all the material in a work space that wasn't in my main gathering area and could be left for another time (when I had to stop to make said dinner) and didn't threaten to vomit all over my peace of mind, maybe then I would enjoy working on crafts.
It is way too important to me for my physical space to be uncluttered and tidy to be comfortable with breaking out all the paraphernalia required for such endeavors. I've worked too hard these past seven years to de-clutter our home and my space to let clutter sneak back in, and it will if given even a smallest chance. There are so many other things I'd enjoy doing that don't require this risk.
"Be who you are, and say what you mean..." - this is burned into my table so I can see it and be reminded as often as needed. I don't have to enjoy doing the things that other people I love enjoy doing, they don't have to enjoy doing what I do. There's is nothing I "ought" to love doing. There are just things that I do love doing - things that God has placed on my heart, and things I don't enjoy doing - it's all good. I am reminded that we do well to operate in our own giftedness, don't try to be something you are not, try to do something we're not meant to do. That doesn't mean we can't try new things, but I'm not going to mentally beat myself up for discovering that I really don't like pulling pallets apart to put back together and paint. 😂 (or painting rooms)! Maybe when I finish the de-cluttering campaign in the garage - maybe there will be space for this kind of thing out there. Maybe
I had promised Christina that we would finally pull a couple of the pallets out and see what we could do with them. She had some ideas for re-purposing them and making beautiful things out of them - Pinterest, you know. SMH...
The first challenge I ran into with this whole situation was the fact that I had just started the process of fulfilling a promise I made to another daughter to paint a room in the house that we left unpainted when the transition occurred as one moved out and another moved in. Two rooms need to be painted, actually, and there is some re-arranging to be done also. Let's not forget the things that need to be hung on the walls yet still. So I came up with the plan to rise early, get what I thought would be a second and final coat of paint on the wall of one room, then come home to
I had already pulled the pile of pallets out and spread them around the yard so we could see which were in the best condition to work our magic on... Pulled out the paint, the drop cloth, the saw, the sander... my head started spinning and my heart started pounding. Good grief this takes a lot of work, and oh by the way, I have to put all this stuff away when we're done!!!
"Mom, what's for dinner?" :-(
Pulling the pallets apart, sweating in the SEPTEMBER 90 degree weather, removing nails, sanding the surface a little bit, running back and forth for tools that we needed for this project...
I was done. There is no pallet project on the face of the earth that is worth what I was setting myself up for. I could see the place falling apart around me. As much as I like to think I would enjoy creating crafty stuff like pallets and other wood decor - I don't think it's my thing. It simply was not worth the work that it required from the get-go. Maybe, just maybe, if all the pre-work was done (by someone other than me) and I was set up with all the material in a work space that wasn't in my main gathering area and could be left for another time (when I had to stop to make said dinner) and didn't threaten to vomit all over my peace of mind, maybe then I would enjoy working on crafts.
It is way too important to me for my physical space to be uncluttered and tidy to be comfortable with breaking out all the paraphernalia required for such endeavors. I've worked too hard these past seven years to de-clutter our home and my space to let clutter sneak back in, and it will if given even a smallest chance. There are so many other things I'd enjoy doing that don't require this risk.
"Be who you are, and say what you mean..." - this is burned into my table so I can see it and be reminded as often as needed. I don't have to enjoy doing the things that other people I love enjoy doing, they don't have to enjoy doing what I do. There's is nothing I "ought" to love doing. There are just things that I do love doing - things that God has placed on my heart, and things I don't enjoy doing - it's all good. I am reminded that we do well to operate in our own giftedness, don't try to be something you are not, try to do something we're not meant to do. That doesn't mean we can't try new things, but I'm not going to mentally beat myself up for discovering that I really don't like pulling pallets apart to put back together and paint. 😂 (or painting rooms)! Maybe when I finish the de-cluttering campaign in the garage - maybe there will be space for this kind of thing out there. Maybe
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