Suit up, and show up
If you want to create a new habit, one of the first things you must do is decide to suit up and show up. Be prepared to do the work.
Mornings are my favorite time of day. I rise early and start with favorite things. My daily readings from several books, scripture and morning pages, and then my walk - these are my favorite things. If you had tried to tell me ten years ago that this would be my habit, I'm not sure I would have believed you. Raising kids and running a busy household while homeschooling doesn't leave much room for that kind of dreaming :-) It seemed like a dream at the time anyway. Now, I would encourage even the busiest of moms to try very hard to make time for herself to get outdoors and get fresh air and exercise - walking is just fine.
Walking at the same park at the same time every day seems like it might be a bit unsafe, right? That thought hasn't escaped me, and yet I return over and over to the same place despite the fact that it is not near our home. I love the particular park and the walking path - plenty of shade and bursting with nature for the entirety of it. Streets of gold - paths of gold. A thought that occurred to me last week. Where have I heard streets of gold? Oh yeah, the description of heaven from Revelations. And the stream of thought about what heaven might be like began...
Mornings are my favorite time of day. I rise early and start with favorite things. My daily readings from several books, scripture and morning pages, and then my walk - these are my favorite things. If you had tried to tell me ten years ago that this would be my habit, I'm not sure I would have believed you. Raising kids and running a busy household while homeschooling doesn't leave much room for that kind of dreaming :-) It seemed like a dream at the time anyway. Now, I would encourage even the busiest of moms to try very hard to make time for herself to get outdoors and get fresh air and exercise - walking is just fine.
Walking at the same park at the same time every day seems like it might be a bit unsafe, right? That thought hasn't escaped me, and yet I return over and over to the same place despite the fact that it is not near our home. I love the particular park and the walking path - plenty of shade and bursting with nature for the entirety of it. Streets of gold - paths of gold. A thought that occurred to me last week. Where have I heard streets of gold? Oh yeah, the description of heaven from Revelations. And the stream of thought about what heaven might be like began...
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