
Giving thanks for - God’s faithfulness, kindness, and guidance. I am reminded that Jesus is the gate and the good shepherd. I needed to be reminded of this again. In fact, I have noticed the pattern that I continually need to be reminded of this. I must learn to listen only to his voice, and stop listening to the lies the enemy whispers.
I am thankful for the family that John and I have grown together with God. I am thankful that they want to live close by and are willing to do so even though they don’t love our geographic location. They are all willing to move when and if we do. Crazy, right?
I am thankful for John’s perseverance in all that he does. He never gives up hope. He knows when it’s time to surrender, but he is always up for doing what needs to be done.
Outside my window - rain, finally. It appears that there was nearly no rain while we were gone on our two-week vacation. We definitely needed the rain. It cranks up the humidity, but you have to take the good with the bad. I also hold to the truth of the wonderful Spring weather that we experienced. It was a wonderful, lingering, mild temperature season that I so loved.
Clothing myself in - It’s Sunday morning and I’m still in my pajamas. I’ll be getting ready to head out the door to go to church. I’m thankful that I don’t worry about what I’ll wear to church because of concern for the opinions of other people. I love our church. Old wounds have healed.
On the home front - we’ll just have to accomplish things in pockets. That’s the conclusion I have come to in regards to the endless list of to-dos. John and I are on the same page about what needs to be done, the order in which they need to be done, and that it will just have to be done one baby step at a time. Overwhelm is a thing, more so for me probably, but I can’t let it stop me from making progress in life. I get so annoyed reading Sarah Young’s words in Jesus Calling about the futility of planning. I have a mental tug-o-war whenever it comes up - should I plan at all or just wing it? I’m not very good at the winging it thing. But I think I can be good at planning and holding it loosely. That, I think, is the real key to having some direction without causing frustration when everything goes sideways.
Maybe later this week I’ll share a portion of the list of projects we’re hoping to accomplish. That might be a good measuring stick for just how much can be done in those pockets.
On the menu - I have the remainder of the menu from last week, but I’ll need to update it. We had BBQ chicken on the menu for three nights now, not anticipating that one or all of us would be gone so dinner was a little fend-for-yourself.
What I’m writing - I kinda threw in the towel for a minute. Too long to explain that right now. But I think I will resume my early morning wakeup tomorrow so that I can also resume my morning routine. It is an anchor, and without it I feel like I am definitely drifting far from where I want to be.
What I’m learning - Who do I want to be? That person or that person. I realize that makes no sense outside of context. Do I want to be the person who fully enjoys themselves and engages in life joyfully all the while recognizing that I am overweight and can and should take better control of my weight for health concerns? Or do I want to hide and stay home, bitter and moping because of it, thinking I am unable to experience the same joy simply because of my weight?
Do I want to be the woman that complains about all the frustrations and things that aren’t going my way or do I want to be the cheerful, quiet, gentle spirit that takes it all in stride? That’s not to suggest one should live in denial, of course. But to stay in that state of mind isn’t life-giving at all. And I know which of these people I want to be. That’s one thing I’m learning.
Loving the moments - Oh last night was one for the records! My kindred spirit hosted the most incredible baby sprinkle for her daughter. The theme was Mama Mia and words just can’t describe how wonderful it all turned out. I loved being part of such a special occasion and seeing these women come together to love on the expectant mama.
Planning for the week ahead - I’ll work on that later today LOL
Naming what matters - does it ever change? People before things. Things that serve the people I love. Attitude matters. Gratitude matters. Doing the right thing matters.
Words worth sharing - Philippians 4:6-8
Something to remember - it brings me comfort and inspiration to remember that I once planned, hosted, and executed the most incredible gatherings, and that I might still have it in me with the right attitude and approach. This is my gifting, hospitality. It has shifted over the past years but I think it might just be a necessary evolution or transition into the next season.
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