Giving thanks - we started a new tradition at dinner last night. The four of us each took turns sharing 5 things for which we are grateful. No repeats, one at a time around the table five times. This we hope to continue to do as often as possible. Sunshine, our home, God’s abundant provision, family, good news from the doctor, modern medicine, and air conditioning were among those listed last night.
Outside my window - the lawn needs mowed, which I intend to do today. The garden still beckons to be prematurely winterized, but there are still tomatoes on the vines. Rain came and gave them a burst of new growth. The sun is shining but the morning chill is real! September is not going to disappoint.
Clothing myself in - it’s shower day for mom, so I’m still in my pajamas. I get a good soaking when I assist her so there’s no point in donning my attire for the day ahead.
In the kitchen - John and I are on the same page with the changes in our tastes and what our bodies are telling us we need. He grilled his favorite orange pork chops earlier this week and I made broccoli, cheese, and rice from scratch. It was the best meal we’d had in weeks as far as I’m concerned. Robin says we’re evolving into senior dining, which cracks me up, but it’s a real thing. I’m looking forward to cooking more alongside him and trying new things. Leaner, lighter, fresher… such a relief to the body.
John's favorite orange pork chops - grilled
First time making broccoli, cheese, and rice from scratch. It was delicious!
Rachel has brought out the bomb supplies - cocoa bombs that is. Her Sugar Moon business will be bustling again with cooler weather and holidays upon us. I also hope to be producing some really good things to offer to friends, family, and neighbors. Some for sale, but most as an offering of genuine hospitality. I’m thinking about breaking out those traveling pans and launching them myself. I think that would be such a fun thing to do.
Writing - I set a goal for myself to write 500 words a day - minimum. Being more intentional about writing helps me to better refine what exactly it is that I want to do with my words. This past week I realized (again) that my primary goal is to blog well. I also realized that it’s not because I want to be the voice, I just want to be a voice. I want to join in the conversations that I enjoy so much with other bloggers. I also realized that in the mastermind group, I am the only reader of blogs. Interesting. I think I’ll re-engage with the blogger Facebook group and see how the members are doing with their blogging adventures.
Reading - Still that same book. But I’m closer to finishing it and I think vacation will help me break out of the rut I’ve been in with reading for pleasure. We are rereading Bird by Bird for mastermind. First chapter already has me laughing out loud and nodding in recognition. I truly hope to report so much more reading happening in the coming weeks.
I also picked up a new book by a blogger/vlogger/homesteader that I have been enamored with - Jessica Sowards at Roots and Refuge. I'm confident there will be a future Daybook category for homesteading... Even for those of us who are still in a less-than-idea setting for a real homestead. We have to make the best of what we have, and so we will. No chickens, which makes me sad, but I can work with local farmers and homesteaders to see what we can work out.
Watching - the newest Lord of the Rings series is pretty good. It’s not LOR, of course, but it appears to be a solid watch for tv viewing. There’s another series we started… and I can’t remember it. The next season of Yellowstone isn’t too far off I don’t think, but I honestly can’t recall that either right now. What’s wrong with me? LOL
John and I have started a new morning routine and we are loving and appreciating it. The current study we are doing on Right Now Media is Staying in Love by Andy Stanley. It’s good stuff. Really, really good stuff. Highly recommend it.
And there might be some vlogging in my future. I'm having so much fun watching the above mentioned vlog and others as well. TicToc has brought this type of medium to a whole new level, and like all social media I believe it can be used for good or evil. I will choose good and have a great time doing so, I hope. If not, it will be just another lesson in what I like and what I don't. Nothing to lose.
Listening - favorite podcasts a bit more. I believe some fabric cutting will commence soon so that will be a prime time to listen to whatever I want.
New song(s)- Just as Good by Chris Renzema; God, Turn it Around by Jon Reddick These are not new songs, but I plan to start sharing more of the great songs that Rachel shares with me and some that I find on my own. I’ll be posting them on Facebook too. Music is a gift to us.
Making - better food :-)
Camp - got those ballots in the mail on time. We were invited to spend Labor Day weekend with family there, but the drive would have consumed most of the time and we have a couple other trips right around the corner so we declined the offer. We enjoyed watching the fun through videos and chats. The official end of summer. Not sure how excited any of us are about that.
The week ahead - We’ll have two little boys hanging out with us for the weekend. Their parents are going on a trip that was a Christmas gift for each of the adult siblings. The plans were adjusted a little, but I think they will enjoy their time away together just the same. Then there is a very important doctor’s appointment for my mom, a trip to take her back home to spend a week or so with family, and then we leave for our own trip. I’m sure there is more but I don’t want to think about it too much and get overwhelmed.
Love God and love people.
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