Resources I really want to keep track of...
Rabbit trails - they're real, am I right?
Recently, I've been going down a lot of rabbit trails that speak about homesteading. I'm kind bummed because in reality, we'll never be able to have a full blown homestead - not unless there is a move in our future.
Many of these homesteaders share a common story; they started out in a city or suburb and gradually grew from there. We've had a garden most years since our first in Monterey, California. Some years have been better than others and some years I've sworn I'd never have a garden again. As my husband and I begin discussions about our plans for next year's garden, we are leaning toward a bigger garden, rather than a smaller garden. That's not going to be easy because we worked hard to plant trees when we first moved here so we'd have plenty of shade in our backyard, and now we do. Our challenge will be how to garden and still enjoy the shade... quite the predicament.
I really get frustrated when I want to return to the rabbit holes I've already visited and didn't get enough time there, so I'm creating this post and a new page specifically for all things homesteading.
I'm going to start off with my new absolute favorite homestead/blogger/vlogger/youtuber LOL.
Roots and Refuge - if you're at all interested in gardening, homesteading, or just living vicariously through another person's experience, go check it out!!
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