Hello! Today is:


Today I spent hours gathering paperwork and information to sit down with my dear hubby who has finally, thankfully, decided to become fully involved in our family finances. I pleaded with him for years to do so and I am so glad that he has finally agreed. It's not a complete handing on of responsibility but a well balanced teamwork he invisions - thank you,Lord!

I made Shrimp Scampi for dinner tonight - it was a good recipe and one that will be added to our list of menu meals. Everyone loved it. It doesn't happen very often that I find something that pleases everyone and when I do I take note.

It's cold, cold, cold here and will be for days to come. Still, no snow to speak of...

I discovered something today that touched me. I have been really studying and reading about WWII because I chose it and the Holocaust as the history we would study in great depth this year - my 12 & 13 (almost 13 & 14 now!) year olds. I learned about the Battle of the Bulge. I was going through the safe and our papers I came across my dad's DD214. For those of you who do not know that is the official military form that verifies an individuals record and release from the military. Looking through the form I saw the campaigns that he was involved in and there in black and white - The Rhineland Air Offensive Europe Normandy Ardennes Northern France and Central Europe. I find it odd that my father never really talked about the war or how it affected his family and his life. I can't imagine that experience not having a profound affect on someone. We just started watching The War - it's a documentary focusing on interviews with Americans from different towns and cities in the US. It seems to me that no man, woman or child could be left unaffected. I wish I could talk with my dad and ask him. Maybe that's why he didn't talk about it - because we never asked.

