A beautiful day in October
It is simply perfect. I slept in a bit late; the first call of the day was from my mother to wish me a happy birthday; my daughters brought me St. Louis Bread Company for breakfast and then offered to let me stay at home (in my pajamas) while they went to volleyball. I chatted at great length with my dear friend (one I tried to reach but had to leave a message - I'l catch you later!); played around on my computer checking out new blogs and picked the kids up mid-afternoon. If I had known what an incredibly gorgeous day it was going to be I might have made plans to stay at the farm. But, instead I took the girls to check out a newly opened Maid Rite restaurant and brought Taco Pizza home for dinner!
The house is in decent order, the kids have their costumes at the ready and I plan to relax and enjoy my evening after trick-or-treating is over.
The perfect birthday!
The house is in decent order, the kids have their costumes at the ready and I plan to relax and enjoy my evening after trick-or-treating is over.
The perfect birthday!
Happy Birthday! Glad you had a great day!