Hello! Today is:


I don't know how many people, if any, struggle with the same things I am struggling with in this season. It is a good struggle - one I know will result in spiritual growth.

As a couple and as a family, we are looking for more. This would be a step in the right direction. Some of this would be good too.

I am interested in a real conversation about serious things with people who are or have been in the same place we are. I'm interested in conversation about why I feel so disengaged in our church. I have been moved to really dig into what the church teaches so I can be clear about what it does not teach. My experience tells me that very few people actually know or understand - or worse - very few care.

I am in the "land between". I don't understand why there is so much division between people who claim to be Christians. Why are there always the subliminal conversations about why "they" have it all wrong? Some aren't even subliminal - some are outright unkind.

To be continued...

