Hello! Today is:


Thank goodness that's over! I was asked to share my experience, strength and hope with a special group of friends last night. I did. It was good. It was hard. It was cleansing. Thank you, God, for helping me find the words.

If you know me you know what I was sharing and probably where I was sharing; if you don't know me, it's okay. Let's just say that I really want to be a servant to our Lord. I want to be an instrument for His healing, peace and love. I have found such joy that I want to share it with others. There is so much pain and hurt in the world. Nearly everyone is hurting in some way. Unless they have found rest in the arms of Jesus and peace that comes from surrendering and trusting God to do all that he promises they will continue to struggle with despair and despression. Many won't even know why they are hurting because they haven't or won't take the time to discover what lies beneath the surface of their pain. The circumstances of our lives will continue to swirl around us. We can only find peace when our circumstances no longer control our attitudes and when we recognise that our emotions often lead us where we shouldn't go. Feelings are not facts. People who hurt us many times have no intent to do so. We hold on to resentment, anger, unforgiveness. It hurts us far more than it ever hurts those it is directed at. Forgiveness heals our souls. I know I have work to do in this area - still. Who do you need to forgive?

How can I pray for you today?



