Hello! Today is:


Step away from the tree, the garland, the mess left over from the weeks leading up to Christmas.  You do not want to use this precious time doing winter-time-spring-cleaning!  Trust me, you really don't.  There will be time to take it all down, clean it all up, rearrange as necessary and make the home sparkle for the new year.  But right now? Right now you want to relax, spend time with them - you know the ones who actually have a break right now but will be returning to the ordinary routine altogether too soon, play games, watch good movies together, read a little (or a lot), blog a little (or a lot), just simply be present physically, emotionally, spiritually while making memories.  Because... memories will be made one way or another.  Those memories can be something to hold on to as a blessing or they can be filled with busy-ness and wrapped with regret - all to last a life time.  Choose well.



