Hello! Today is:


That's what I call the days following a three or four day weekend - Holiday Hangover.

As much as I enjoy the time off with my family, I sure do pay the price in the days immediately after their return to normal routines.  First of all, I am truly a creature of habit.  I'd really like to be able to say I'm a creature of rhythm, but I'm still a work-in-progress in that area.  I cling to my good habits like a life raft.  When it's taken from me (or willingly given over), even for good things and good times, it takes me a minute to get my bearings back.  Needless to say, I'm a little grumpy today.  I know it won't last long, because I know what I have to do to release myself from what is making me that way, but allow me a moment to recognize and perhaps even label this little 'mood'.

In most ways I look forward to a break from the busy morning schedule; waking the troops, breakfast for all, lunches packed, necessary housework - somebody's gotta do it, right? I enjoy lingering in my comfy sweatpants and t-shirt while I read a little more, write a little more, play a little more, sip a little more jo - you get the picture.  But that necessary housework - it doesn't take a break from needing to be done.  And if/when I take a break from doing it, I have to play catch-up eventually and that leads to and heavily contributes to Holiday Hangover. 

So my mission today is to continue to build and maintain good habits that help alleviate that feeling of overwhelm when everyone returns to their routine and I am left to re-focus my efforts.  I don't want to wish away the all-too-fleeting precious time and good memories created when we have the opportunity, and I don't want to suffer from this nagging feeling of - what am I doing wrong?  Why is it so hard to come away from such times without blender-brain? There must be a better way of managing my time and energy.  I'm not asking for perfection, just progress...

